I just "released" a new version; get it here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=66404&package_id=114522&release_id=305107
Important notes:
* It uses GLib 2.6.2. This is the "bleeding edge" version, and may be unstable. I didn't notice any problem myself, but if you do, please report it in the forum.
* Some DLLs changed their names; this is because they were updated. e.g. pthreads, ogg, flac, zlib. Watch out for duplicates;
* The sources are on the CVS, this is a binary-only release.
* Read the release notes at http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=305107
* It is "safe" to overwrite your current winlop setup, but you may end up with unnecessary DLLs. If you don't want this, delete all (or move them) the DLLs in the winlop's root folder, and all the folders except "Complete", "Incomplete" and "config".