
Tree [8b502c] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 GUI 2014-07-18 unknown unknown [8b502c] added progress bar and improved layout
 data 2011-12-13 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [016085] initial commit
 .gitignore 2011-12-13 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [016085] initial commit
 FP-WinHugsHaskellTester.au3 2014-07-18 unknown unknown [8b502c] added progress bar and improved layout
 _config.au3 2011-12-13 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [016085] initial commit
 _ini.au3 2011-12-13 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [016085] initial commit
 icon.ico 2011-12-13 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [016085] initial commit
 icon.png 2011-12-13 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [016085] initial commit
 icon_small.png 2011-12-13 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [016085] initial commit
 license.txt 2011-12-13 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [016085] initial commit
 readme.txt 2011-12-18 Florian Pollak Florian Pollak [5d3291] readme update and formatting

Read Me


	- Extract the contents of the zip-file to a folder of your choice.
	- NB: only the executable is required; it will build the configuration file itself, but might 
	  use other defaults


	- WinHugs (hugs.exe)
How to use:

	- specify the path to the haskell-script file (regular or literate)
	- specify the path to a test file
		- specify a range of tests to check or leave empty to check all test cases
	- click on "Test"

Format of test files:

	- one test per line
	- a test may be 
		- a valid haskell-expression evaluating to true (assuming true means the test did not fail) 
		- a haskell-expression followed by one " ~> ", in which case the test was successful if 
		  the output of the expression matches the string after " ~> "
		- a haskell-expression followed by multiple " ~> ", in which case the test was successful 
		  if the output of the expression matches any of the strings after the first " ~> ", 
		  separated by the following " ~> "s
	- whitespace at the beginning and end of each line shall be ignored
	- lines starting with "--" are assumed to be comments
	- block comments marked by "{-" and "-}" will be recognized as such (if mixed, strings to the 
	  left and right shall be concatenated and treated as a line and therefore one test)