
VS IDE output...

  • Mac

    Mac - 2014-11-21

    Installed in my VS 2013 environment using the win_flex_bison_custom_build .props, etc. supplied. Invocation works properly, but I'm getting no output in the IDE. If I run the identical command (using 'start') in a command prompt, the output goes to the command prompt window as expected. If I have parser errors they are just silent in the IDE, but compilation continues anyway. This means that the parser isn't generated and there's no way to tell in the IDE. Is win_bison writing output to stdout / stderr? Or it there a method to redirect?

    Thanks much for this port. Sure beats round tripping to the *nix box and back again.

  • Mac

    Mac - 2014-11-21

    Also, have other internal command line tools that run in the IDE that produce output to stderr and they produce output in the IDE as expected.

  • Alex Zhondin

    Alex Zhondin - 2014-11-22

    Hi Mac!
    Thank you for notice. I've checked and had the same problem. I fixed it: now build process interrupts with error like this:

    1>  Process "grammar.y" bison file
    1>C:\...\custom_build_rules\win_flex_bison_custom_build.targets(55,5): error MSB3721: The command "
    1>C:\...\custom_build_rules\win_flex_bison_custom_build.targets(55,5): error MSB3721: start /B /WAIT /D "C:\...\ConsoleApplication2\" win_bison.exe --output="" --defines="" "grammar.y"
    1>C:\...\custom_build_rules\win_flex_bison_custom_build.targets(55,5): error MSB3721: exit /b %errorlevel%" exited with code 1.

    But mysteriously I don't see actual error message, so I had to switch Build Verbosity in VS from "Minimal" to "Normal" (see updated wiki page)

    1>  Process "grammar.y" bison file
    1>  grammar.y:51.1-4: error: invalid directive: '%sdw'
    1>C:\...\custom_build_rules\win_flex_bison_custom_build.targets(55,5): error MSB3721: The command "
    1>C:\...\custom_build_rules\win_flex_bison_custom_build.targets(55,5): error MSB3721: start /B /WAIT /D "C:\...\ConsoleApplication2\ConsoleApplication2\" win_bison.exe --output="" --defines="" "grammar.y"
    1>C:\...\custom_build_rules\win_flex_bison_custom_build.targets(55,5): error MSB3721: exit /b %errorlevel%" exited with code 1.

    Also I added some flex/bison options to VS File Property Dialog (see wiki again).


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