
wineasio / News: Recent posts

Wineasio 0.9.2

Just released wineasio 0.9.2, with 64bit ASIO host support, and some small changes.

Posted by Joakim Hernberg 2013-10-28

Wineasio 0.9.1

Just tagged and tarballed 0.9.1 containing some bug fixes, among others one allowing it to be built on wine 1.7.3 and later.

Posted by Joakim Hernberg 2013-10-15


Fixed wrongly reported output latency
Changed the SCHED_FIFO priority of the win32 callback thread
* Calls jack_client_real_time_priority() to get reccomended priority from JACK
* Removed hardcoded SCHED_FIFO priority of 86
* Sets win32 callback thread to SCHED_FIFO, priority reccomended by JACK
Added fork with call to qjackctl from ASIOControlPanel()

Posted by Joakim Hernberg 2009-10-30

Current status - 3/Oct/09

Sorry everyone's who's looking for help on this, I'm currently out of the loop due to PC problems. (This is typed from a crummy laptop.) I've been hoping to get on top of things for months... Soon... maybe.

Posted by Peter L Jones 2009-10-03

wineasio: New Release! 0.7.4

wineasio provides an ASIO to JACK driver for WINE. ASIO is the most common Windows low-latency driver, so is commonly used in audio workstation programs. (Wine's built-in JACK transport isn't a Windows ASIO driver.)

I've just uploaded a new tarball with the latest code from HEAD to make it easier for people who prefer that vs SVN.

This version has a number of changes that address possible performance issues. However, can I ask that if you're having xruns with 0.7.x, you try 0.5. If you don't have xrun with 0.5, please let us know.

Posted by Peter L Jones 2008-04-08

File Releases

All previous (known) released versions of wineasio now have source file releases under Downloads.

Posted by Peter L Jones 2008-04-08

SF Project created

All the wineasio code I could find has now been committed to sourceforge SVN. Robert Reif's original code and changes are in the wineasio-0.0.x branch. The "old" JackLab code is in the wineasio-0.x branch. HEAD contains wineasio-0.7.x. Tags have been created on HEAD for each version.

Bugs, patches or requests for commit access via the Tracker, please! :)

Posted by Peter L Jones 2008-03-24