
Linux Mint 13 wineasio

Jonas Hora
  • Jonas Hora

    Jonas Hora - 2012-07-04

    Hi there,
    First of all, i'm a linux-user since 3 days now. Forgive me if my question is like that of a child or something. (I'm from Germany, so forgive me for my poor english too.)
    So I installed Linux Mint 13, wonderful OS, way better than Windows (used XP).
    It's amazing that WINE runs FL Studio 7, but I definitely need a low latency. So, yesterday i tried to compile wineasio (i'm running the 64bit version of Linux Mint, the readme-file of wineasio says that it can be compiled for 64bit or did i misunderstand something?). I downloaded several dev-packages and the process seemed to move forward, but then i got a error which i whether cant solve nor fully understand. It says

    /usr/bin/ld: Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf32-i386 (asio.o) to format elf64-x86-64 (wineasio.WU2sEF.o) is not supported

    Anyways, i got that piece of code out of another thread in your forums, cause i reinstalled my linux this morning (not working anymore, tried nothing but the installation of wineasio). So the question is: Am i able to run wineasio on my distribution? If yes, it would be very nice if you could guide me a little.

    Thank you

  • Jonas Hora

    Jonas Hora - 2012-07-04

    Anyways, i got that piece of code out of another thread in your forums, cause i reinstalled my linux this morning

    I forgot to mention WHY i took the code out of another thread, it's because i deleted the wineasio source (including asio.h) and i'm not willing to try compiling of wineasio another time before i not can be sure that it works under my distribution.

  • Joakim Hernberg

    Joakim Hernberg - 2012-07-05

    Before you get your hopes up too much, I do have fls (beta) running in wine with wineasio, i can even run it at 64 samples latency (with triple buffering), the sad thing is that it crackles occasionally, seems related to graphic, and upping the latency even to 1024 samples or so doesn't sole the problem.  But I guess your experience might be different seeing that you will have different hardware.

    Regarding jack and wineasio.  First of all you need 32bit wine and wineasio, don't  know how Mint handles this, since unfortunately every distro does this differently :(

    For Jack there are 2 versions jack1 and jack2.  don't know which one you are trying with.  It works like this.  You will need a 64bit jack (server and client libs), and then you will also need 32bit jack client libs (for the 32bit wineasio to talk to).  How this is achieved is again different between the 2 jack implementations and the various distros.

    I'm sorry not be able to be more specific as far as your problem is concerned, but I simply don't know how all the differing linux work and how they install packages.

    Mint is a debian distro right?  Afaik debain based distros have a long tradition of being broken as regards wineasio and jack..  Maybe you can use the repos and if not just get the deb packages from  This is a project that fixes the debian defincies in ubuntu as far as jack and wineasio are concerned.  It already has binaries for jack1/2, wineasio and wine-rt (another patch that might be interesting for low latency audio in wine).

    Best of luck! :)

  • Joakim Hernberg

    Joakim Hernberg - 2012-07-11

    Actually I retract the above comments.  I've just ran FLS 10.0.9 and and 10.6.0 beta with wineasio, and they both work suprisingly well. 


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