
Thank you for your interest in Win-Brash. Hopefully you will find it to be useful!

About This forum

This forum exists to enable users to ask questions and hopefully get answers.

This forum is not a general discussion of bourne shell programming -- there are already uncountable websites disucssing that subject. This forum is about brash specific ways of doing things.

There are a lot of brash specific ways of handling various programming tasks that would otherwise be associated with the standard unix text processing commands like grep, sed, wc, nl, head, basename, dirname, and so forth. Brash incorporates many of these functions as builtin-commands so that it is generally unnecessary to include all those programs as a part of a command line toolkit which also contains brash.

On the other hand, if you already have CYGWIN installed, there will be less reason to use brash.

Who Can Create Topics of Discussion?

So long as professional decorum is maintained, anonymous users may create topics.

Author Responsiveness

I will try to respond within 24 hours of any questions asked -- give or a take.

Anyone Can Answer

Hopefully, others will know the answers to questions and can help everyone out.