
WIN32GUI - v1.6.5 released

- reflection.
You'll find the reflection in win32gui/reflection directory.
Also, in compilers/vc71/surfaces/testreflection you can find tests for the reflection mechanism.
They can be compiled with vc71, gcc 3.3, gcc 3.4.2 and como
- lots of goodies from Steven Weiss :)
like, new resource classes: pen, brush, font
- solved a few bugs
- solved bug at wnd_resize - when a window has a custom handler for WM_SIZE; sometimes it was called too early.
- solved but at window_base::destroy.
(it did not call the event handler for WM_DESTROY)
- **** allow building as DLL
Note: this is still experimental, and works only on VC71.
- func_wrapper<>s have their operator() as const
- you can now add mapping filters - in case there are on-the-screen windows for which you don't
want a mapping to a C++ class. This could be useful when you're developing a dll, or an ActiveX control.
bool your_filter_func( HWND h) {
// if you return false here, there won't be a C++ object corresponding to this window
win32::gui::mapping::filter::add( your_filter_func );

Note that the windows you create yourself, with create_wnd<> or create_dlg<> are
always created (filters are not run on them)

Posted by John Torjo 2005-04-30

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