Hi, all
I have try to modify demo splitter to add CTab in one panel,
the added code as follow. If I don't add code (1)/(2) every thing will be fine, but I need the tab button at the bottom , than code (1)/(2) added for this purpose, unfortunately none of this works for me, I aways get assertion. than have to refer to TabDemo, than code (new) part added, but same error.
Have I missed any additional code to enable this purpose or something else?
//m_tabView.AddTabPage(&m_view, _T("Classes"));
Hi, all
I have try to modify demo splitter to add CTab in one panel,
the added code as follow. If I don't add code (1)/(2) every thing will be fine, but I need the tab button at the bottom , than code (1)/(2) added for this purpose, unfortunately none of this works for me, I aways get assertion. than have to refer to TabDemo, than code (new) part added, but same error.
Have I missed any additional code to enable this purpose or something else?
//m_tabView.AddTabPage(&m_view, _T("Classes"));
(1)--> //m_tab.SetTabsAtTop(FALSE);
m_tab.AddTabPage(new CViewList, _T("List view"));
m_tab.AddTabPage(new CViewTree, _T("Tree view"));
m_tab.AddTabPage(new CDockText, _T("Text view"));
Hi Eric
The calls to SelectPage and SetTabsAtTop cause asserts in CDockList's constructor because the CTab window hasn't been created yet.
We can fix that by overriding OnInitialUpdate and moving the code there.
Best regards,
Hi, David
Thank you very much, now it works :)