
Win32++ and Scintilla control

Eros Olmi
  • Eros Olmi

    Eros Olmi - 2024-06-03

    Dear David

    have you ever considered to create a sample demo on using Scintilla control and Win32++?

    I develop a programming language called thinBasic and I'm considering porting it into C++. It is a quite big project developed starting since 2004 and I need a start. More info at
    I've developed my own editor called thinAir using Scintilla and because I'm not very confident with C++ (always being a BASIC programmer) I was thinking that starting from the editor would be a nice start to learn C++ and at the same time mve into C++.

    I recently discovered Win32++ and I was fascinated by the fact I was able to compile any of your VS2022 demo projects without any pain at the very first go: this gave me a great positive feeling.

    But I need a little help on how to start to include Scintilla and use it into one MDI window for example in your DockTabbedMDI example that seems perfect as a start. I know how to use Scintilla control but do not know where to start connecting Scintilla to Win32++ example

    Hope you can help me.

    Thanks in advance.


    Last edit: Eros Olmi 2024-06-03
  • David

    David - 2024-06-04

    Hi Eros,

    Thanks for the suggestion to create a sample demo using Scintilla. I'll give it some thought.

    In the meantime attached a very simple Scintilla view. It can be used as the view window for a frame, MDI child, docker, tab etc.

    The parent window will need to resize the Scintilla view when it resized.

    Best regards,

  • Eros Olmi

    Eros Olmi - 2024-06-04

    Dear David, thanks a lot.
    I will play with your files having fun to learn something new to me.

  • David

    David - 2024-06-15

    Hi Eros,

    I've added a ScintillaDemo sample. You can download the lastest snapshot from the files section on SourceForge.

    Best regards,

  • Eros Olmi

    Eros Olmi - 2024-06-21

    Ciao, I've downloaded latest ZIP 9.5.2 but I cannot find a ScintillaDemo sample

  • Eros Olmi

    Eros Olmi - 2024-06-21

    oops, sorry my fault. Found under Code menu.
    Will test during week-end


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