
wiki2xhtml / News: Recent posts

wiki2xhtml 1.2 released!

wiki2xhtml makes it easy to create good-looking web pages. It is a program for both beginners and pros! The source text, which will be compiled by wiki2xhtml, is being written in the easy-to-learn syntax used in Wikis like the Wikipedia or the WikiBooks (and which is explained in the help file). If you have got higher demands, you can insert your own code. Take a look at the example, use an existing style or create your own!... read more

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-25

wiki2xhtml 1.1 released!

wiki2xhtml makes it easy to create good-looking web pages. It is a program for both beginners and pros! The source text, which will be compiled by wiki2xhtml, is being written in the easy-to-learn syntax used in Wikis like the Wikipedia or the WikiBooks (and which is explained in the help file). If you have got higher demands, you can insert your own code.

New in version 1.1 is:
* You can select the file(s) in a dialogue
* wiki2xhtml checks whether an image thumbnail exists (e.g. img_thumb.png for img.png, has to be _thumb)
* The GUI is now «easier to understand»
* The footer can be added with -f FILE or --footer=FILE
* The help file has been extended once more.... read more

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-20

wiki2xhtml version 1.0.1 released

wiki2xhtml makes it easy to create good-looking web pages. It is a program for both beginners and pros! The source text, which will be compiled by wiki2xhtml, is being written in the easy-to-learn syntax used in Wikis like the Wikipedia or the WikiBooks (and which is explained in the help file). If you have got higher demands, you can insert your own code.

New in version 1.1 is:
* Links in the menu:
** Now also with indicator for external links
** Links to the current file are deactivated, only text is shown
* --silent-Argument from --standard can be overwritten now
* Internal links are deactivated if they link to the current site
* Fixed: Problems after Lists... read more

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-14

wiki2xhtml version 1.0 released!

wiki2xhtml makes it easy to create good-looking web pages. It is a program for both beginners and pros! The source text, which will be compiled by wiki2xhtml, is being written in the easy-to-learn syntax used in Wikis like the Wikipedia or the WikiBooks (and which is explained in the help file). If you have got higher demands, you can insert your own code.

New in version 1.0 is:
* The argument --remove-linebreaks now removes all \n in the file
* For better use with PostNuke:
** --pn is an alias for --remove-linebreaks --only-code, can be pasted directly into PostNuke
** --pns does the same as --pn, but prints the output to the stdout instead of writing it to a file
* Now you can see how long it took to build the files.
* The help file has been extended
* Argument --standard added, abbreviation for -t title.txt -h header.txt -i navigation.txt --consistent-gallery.
* --standard and --helpfile now also work in the GUI
* Fixed: If no page title was given, it was left blank
* Fixed: Paragraph counter for the closing paragraph tags (</p>) forgot the last paragraph... read more

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-13

wiki2xhtml 0.9.1 released!

wiki2xhtml makes it easy to create good-looking web pages. It is a program for both beginners and pros! The source text, which will be compiled by wiki2xhtml, is being written in the easy-to-learn syntax used in Wikis like the Wikipedia or the WikiBooks (and which is explained in the help file). If you have got higher demands, you can insert your own code.

New in the version 0.9(.1) is:
* You can insert tables now! (See help file for further information)
* Argument --stdout added, does not write the output into the file but into the shell
* Argument --only-code added: Writes the HTML code without the reck
* Fixed: Command line is no more case-sensitive
* Fixed: Input files with no Heading provided a blank output!
* Fixed: Wrong nowiki-content has been inserted if more than one file was given
* Fixed: Help output was «forgotten»
* List code is now with less new lines... read more

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-11


Currently I'm trying to implement tables. Arguments like colspan, width etc will be possible too.


Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-09

wiki2xhtml version 0.8 released: Now with GUI!

wiki2xhtml makes it easy to create good-looking web pages. It is a program for both beginners and pros! The source text, which will be compiled by wiki2xhtml, is being written in the easy-to-learn syntax used in Wikis like the Wikipedia or the WikiBooks (and which is explained in the help file). If you have got higher demands, you can insert your own code.

New in the version 0.8 is:
* Finally, the GUI is working now! You can set all the arguments you need there.
* Fixed: Output summary is now cleaned after every run (before, the summary has been appended when more than one file was parsed)
* Fixed: Paragraph counter now works
* now converts the LF in the .txt files to LineFeed + Carriage Return (for Windows)... read more

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-07

GUI is coming! (edited)

I'm just working on the GUI. The GridBagLayout is unusable for that what I intend to do, at the moment I'm using the null layout.

edit: It will get cool :) You will be able to change the arguments in the GUI and the pseudo-Commandline is being updated!

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-06

wiki2xhtml version released

wiki2xhtml makes it easy to create good-looking web pages. It is a program for both beginners and pros! The source text, which will be compiled by wiki2xhtml, is being written in the easy-to-learn syntax used in Wikis like the Wikipedia or the WikiBooks (and which is explained in the help file). If you have got higher demands, you can insert your own code.

New in the version is:
* The help file was translated into German (I'll never do that again!)
* Little scripts added to create the help files easily
* GUI now shows a little help text
* The rest I have forgotten. Too less sleep.... read more

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-03

wiki2xhtml version released

wiki2xhtml makes it easy to create good-looking web pages. It is a program for both beginners and pros! The source text, which will be compiled by wiki2xhtml, is being written in the easy-to-learn syntax used in Wikis like the Wikipedia or the WikiBooks (and which is explained in the help file). If you have got higher demands, you can insert your own code.

New in the version 0.7.6(.1) is:
* You can set the page title for every page individually and may add a «general» title (e.g., which is valid for all documents) with a keyword.
* The nowiki-Tags are working now! Code inside of them is not considered.
* The help file has been extended. You will find some examples in it and all the commands which can be used.
* No more paragraphs inserted when a <nowiki> tag followed on a new line.
* Nowiki-Tags over more than one line now are recognized... read more

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-02

Version 0.7.5

I have extended the help file a little and fixed a few bugs. See the changelog for further information, and feel free to test it :)

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-01

wiki2xhtml 0.7.4

The first more or less stable version! The changes:

* You can set the header for pages
* You can set a title from a file now.
* Images have got a «true» description
* External links have the class «external» and thus can be marked with e.g. an icon
* Internal links can have a description too now.
* Added a help file
* CSS file has been adjusted (gallery, links, ...)

Take a look at it!

Posted by Simon Eugster 2007-01-01

Version 0.7.2beta released

After such a long time I've managed to get my Eclipse CVS thing working and I've had some time to code. Take a look at the new releases!

Posted by Simon Eugster 2006-12-31

First Preview

I will upload some previews at the beginning of about February (maybe earlier, if I have time).

Posted by Simon Eugster 2006-11-23