
Wiki2HTML / News: Recent posts

Wiki2HTML 1.0 released

Wiki2HTML is a Windows Scripting Component (WSC) to convert strings containing Wiki-style formatting tags into HTML. The component is written in Visual Basic Script and must not be installed on the server. Due to the programming language used, Wiki2HTML works only on Microsoft IIS.

Wiki2HTML supports the following features:

- character formatting like bold, italic, underline
- automatic generation of hyperlinks with and without alternativ text
- linking images
- recognition of e-mail addresses (creates mailto-link)
- recognition of ISBN numbers (creates link to
- definition of user defined external data sources
- text alignment (left, right, center, justify)
- preformatted text
- indents (blockquote), definition lists, ordered and unordered lists
- heading with and without autonumbers
- defining tables
- creation of a table of contents (TOC)
- creation of a table of links

Posted by mmaeder 2004-10-18