adrenochrome - 2011-07-08
  • Description has changed:


--- old 
+++ new 
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
 the current dont work when called from outside the directory where it is stored, same when called from a menu

-solution :
+something looks, even using absolute paths it complain about not findind wiimms iso tools  
+this one is working :
+# ! /bin/sh
 apppath=$(dirname $0)
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$apppath/lib
-$apppath/WiiBaFu $*
+cd $apppath
+./WiiBaFu $*
+cd - >/dev/null
  • Description has changed:


--- old 
+++ new 
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 something looks, even using absolute paths it complain about not findind wiimms iso tools  
 this one is working :
 # ! /bin/sh
-apppath=$(dirname $0)
-cd $apppath
+cd $(dirname $0)
 ./WiiBaFu $*
 cd - >/dev/null