
WieBot.NET / News: Recent posts

WieBot.NET known bugs

The following bugs are known and will be taken care of in the next version

- Statistics are not separated by channel
- Crashes sometimes if a file cannot be found (should not happen if you leave the files alone that you got with the download)
- Users in the list are not separated by channel
- Users in channel sometimes don't disappear from the list after leaving
- Code is a mess
- Doesn't respond to anything at all when there are no keywords present. Learn it a keyword to make it respond. "botname learn hi2u|hi2u2"

Posted by wiebotdev 2007-06-22

WieBot.NET released!

Released WieBot to the public. WieBot is currently at version 0.4b. WieBot has the following features:
- Channel Management
- Multiple channel support
- User chatting
- User levels
- Command/Reply learning
- Simple channel statistics
- Auto-(re)connect
- Logging (to file and screen)

Although WieBot is in the beta stage, he is very stable. I've been running WieBot myself for a few weeks without any crashes.

Posted by wiebotdev 2007-06-22