
Web IDE / Command Line interface / News: Recent posts

Project on hold (for now)

I have placed the project status as dormant, Have not had the time to look into this much.
Please check out the tool : for another interface at the moment. Will look back into this project in another year or so when the introspector is further along.

Posted by James Michael DuPont 2004-11-30

GSoap Client interface for GForge

GForge is the sucessor to sourceforge

The WSDL is here

GSoap is a fast c++ soap implementation

The soap client can call soap functions on the gforge server to do things like release projects
And get project stats
GSoap handles all of the details of the soap invocation and error handling
It generates a set of c++ classes based on the WSDL given
It is also possible to create a server based on this interface... read more

Posted by James Michael DuPont 2003-08-04