
Whoola / News: Recent posts

Whoola JIGL

I created a new file release for Whoola JIGL, a wrapper API for pure and native OpenGL implementations. It lets you use hardware rendering when your application is deployed as a desktop application and software rendering when deployed as an unsigned applet. For documentation, please see

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2006-09-22

AFL for code, media, and docs

When we started our project, it was our intent to license for reuse all of the source code we created under the Academic Free License (AFL) and dedicate all of the media files and we created to the Public Domain. We are now licensing all content in the repository, whether source code, media files, or documentation, under the terms of the AFL.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2006-08-25

Google 3D format support

Whoola Cyberspace can now load the thousands of 3D models available for free from the Google 3D Warehouse. Use Google SketchUp to import a model from the Warehouse and then export it to the Google Earth (.kmz) format. You can then load the .kmz file directly into Whoola Cyberspace or included as a node within a COLLADA scene. See the examples for a demonstration.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2006-07-11

Academic Free License version 3.0

We are shifting release of our source code from version 2.1 of the Academic Free License to version 3.0:

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2006-03-17

Open Source 3D Java Browser

Whoola Cyberspace, a 3D browser with fly-through hyperlinks, has been upgraded to support COLLADA 1.4, a standard XML format for 3D content. The Java source code includes import, export, conversion, and loader functionality compatible with the Xith scenegraph API. For a demonstration, please see

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2006-03-03