

Winston Tamblyn


package crv.display
extends crv.display.DisplayObjectContainer
inherits DisplayObjectContainerInteractiveObjectDisplayObjectEventDispatcherClass
The stage represents the area of the window where CraveJs is being rendered. The stage is accessible to any
align string Determines how the stage should be aligned within the window. By default, it is rendered in the center of the window or can be a value of StageAlign.
frameRate number The number of ENTER_FRAME events the stage dispatches per second. Defaults to 30 and accepts the values 1 to 60.
height number The height of the stage in pixels. Defaults to 480.
scaleMode string Determines how the stage should be stretched to fit the window. Defaults to "noScale" or can be a value of StageScaleMode.
stageHeight number Same as the height property of stage except when scaleMode is set to NO_SCALE, then this represents the available height of the window.
stageWidth number Same as the width property of stage except when scaleMode is set to NO_SCALE, then this represents the available width of the window.
width number The width of the stage in pixels. Defaults to 640.


Wiki: Class Reference