
Whiteoak / News: Recent posts

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What is Whiteoak?

Whiteoak is a programming language that extends Java 6 with retroactive abstraction of objects via the mechanism of structural types. This ability significantly reduces the amount of gluing code that is so common in modern programs.... read more

Posted by Itay Maman 2008-10-13

Whiteoak: Official release, Whiteoak 2.1

The Whiteoak programming language is a backward compatible extension of Java 6, that supports: structural subtyping (AKA: structural conformance), virtual fields and constructors, mixin-like/trait-like composition of objects and more.

Whiteoak 2.1 has been officially released. This release includes both a command-line compiler as well as an Eclipse plugin.

Whiteoak augments Java with stuctural types ("structs") that provide much more flexibility than interfaces. In particular, structural types allow the introduction of new, override-able, methods into existing object and the composition of new types from existing ones using mixin-like or traits-like semantics.

Posted by Itay Maman 2008-10-10