
Tree [r2] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 nbproject 2009-07-16 prossimaisola [r1] first commit
 src 2009-07-16 prossimaisolatd [r2]
 test 2009-07-16 prossimaisola [r1] first commit
 License.txt 2009-07-16 prossimaisola [r1] first commit
 ReadMe.txt 2009-07-16 prossimaisola [r1] first commit
 build.xml 2009-07-16 prossimaisola [r1] first commit 2009-07-16 prossimaisola [r1] first commit

Read Me



WhereIsNow-WSCL is a Java library for client side WhereIsNow WebService



1. Third party libraries
2. License
3. For developers
4. Contact


1. Third party libraries

Principally WhereIsNow-WSCL library was built through Apache Axis2 framework
from WhereIsNow WebServices WSDL interfaces, so it depends on some Apache Java

 + Build Time
 | + axiom-api-1.2.7.jar
 | + axiom-impl-1.2.7.jar
 | + axis2-adb-1.4.1.jar
 | + axis2-kernelk-1.4.1.jar
 | + log4j-1.2.15.jar
 | + neethi-2.0.4.jar
 | + wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar
 + Run Time
   + axiom-dom-1.2.7.jar
   + axis2-codegen-1.4.1.jar
   + backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar
   + commons-codec-1.3.jar
   + commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
   + commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
   + jaxen-1.1.1.jar
   + mex-1.4.1.jar
   + wonden-api-1.0M8.jar
   + XmlSchema-1.4.2.jar

 + Run Time
   + opensaml-1.1.jar
   + rampart-core-1.4.jar
   + rampart-policy-1.4.jar
   + rampart-trust-1.4.jar
   + wss4j-1.5.4.jar
   + xmlsec-1.4.1.jar


2. License

WhereIsNow-WSCL is released under GNU General Public License v2, see


3. For developers

Under com.whereisnow.webservice.client package you'll find WebService client
classes. These simplify request instantiation and dispatch processes, in fact
you don't need to use stubs directly, the client classes handle stubs for you.
If you need to call WhereIsNow WebServices on HTTPS protocol, you have only to:

 - call client constructor and to pass it:
   + WhereIsNow email (the same email used for registration);
   + SHA1 of your WhereIsNow password;
   + Secure Service EndPoint:
     > "" - to verify you have the latest
       version of a document;
     > "" - to manage your WhereIsNow
     > "" - to manage your WhereIsNow

 - call "supplyClientParameters()" and to pass it:
   + public key location (your-cert.jks path on your hard drive);
   + certificate password;
   + repository path (repository is a directory that contains a "modules"
     directory rampart.mar module).

You can access the source code (NetBeans project) of the whole library on
Feel free to report bugs and/or to suggest improvements!


4. Contact