Spiderip - 2014-08-22

How This Application work

If you need a custom logo and Description on this application for Personal or Office Use you can contact me at info@spiderip.com.

This is a simple application written in C# ,If you open this Form It Will access the following Urls for getting your External IP Address.For working you must have access to the following urls from your machine.




Why we use three url ,the three url located in three different Location while open this application it will try to access the first url if not accessible or not reachable it will try the other url and the default timeout is 10 second for each url.If the three url is not getting application assume there is no internet access and it will alert you.

While click Exit or Minimize button application will minimize to your system tray ,if you need to exit click "exit button"

Setting button is used for setting refresh time ,if set this time while minimize this application it will automatically refresh and alert if IP change or No internet access.

History page is used for showing IP Change and no internet access history

The default Settings and history file is saved on %temp% as MyIpLog.txt ,MyipTime.txt .

If you face any issue ,error or need any modification Please send a mail to
