Dear All,
I try to run CA8.1 for my illumina reads. (PE x 181bp)
But I got this error message.
Can you help me to ran CA?
Thank you.
Starting file '/scratch/wyim/iceplant/wgs/ca/pe.frg'.
Processing INNIE ILLUMINA 1.3+ QV encoding reads from:
and '/home/wyim/scratch/iceplant/wgs/source/ec_fastq/ec.paired.B.fastq'
GKP finished with 768389442 alerts or errors:
441945432 # ILL Error: seq longer than longer than gkpShortReadLength bases, truncating.
326444009 # ILL Alert: invalid QV in read.
1 # LIB Alert: suspicious mean and standard deviation; reset stddev to 0.10 * mean.
ERROR: library IID 1 'pe_long' has 154.07% errors or warnings.