After the mhap overlapper stage, I am getting the following error at the overlapStore building step
overlapStoreBuild: AS_OVS_overlapFile.C:185: int AS_OVS_readOverlap(BinaryOverlapFile, OVSoverlap): Assertion `bof->bufferPos <= bof->bufferLen' failed.
Do you know why the assertion might be failing?
This means one of the overlap job output files is corrupt. Most likely one of the jobs failed to complete or was termintated. You can find which overlaps failed by running:
convertOverlap -a -i <X.ovb*> > /dev/null
echo $?
for each ovb/ovb.gz file in your 1-overlapper/001,002,etc folders.
You can re-run the failed jobs (or re-submit them to the grid). After that, you can resume the pipeline and it should build the overlap store. If this is during correction, you may also need to re-run the step which generates the *.dat files ( if you do not have 1-overlapper/*.dat files in your folder.
Thanks for the suggestion, Sergey.
Yes, this happened during the correction stage.. One of the ovb file (#77)
was corrupted, it seems. I am rerunning the job manually.
On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:37 AM Sergey Koren wrote:
Bugs: #333