
#312 FASTQ quality name line too long in read


I am running rc2 to correct PB reads from a fly. The PBcR pipeline stopped right after corrected reads are generated. Apparently the fastq file containing the corrected reads (corrected.fastq) has at least one line where a qual line and a seq line got joined. I have noticed that this happens when some of the consensus jobs fail (with -sensitive) and I restart the pipeline (after removing This did not happen before rc1 (rc1 was also doing this but I thought it was an issue with our system, so never reported it). Do you know what might be responsible for this?

A summary of the error:

$ less runPBcR.runCA.sge.out.00
/dfs1/bio/mchakrab/pacbio/wgs-8.3rc2/Linux-amd64/bin/gatekeeper -o /share//pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq/asm.gkpStore.BUILDING -T -F /share/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq.longest25.frg > /share/pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq/asm.gkpStore.err 2>&1
----------------------------------------END Tue Jun 23 12:04:26 2015 (81 seconds)
ERROR: Failed with signal HUP (1)

runCA failed.

Stack trace:

at /dfs1/pacbio/wgs-8.3rc2/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA line 1629
main::caFailure('gatekeeper failed', '/share/pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq/asm.g...') called at /dfs1/pacbio/wgs-8.3rc2/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA line 1958
main::preoverlap('/share/pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq.longe...') called at /dfs1/pacbio/wgs-8.3rc2/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA line 6251

Last few lines of the relevant log file (/share/pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq/asm.gkpStore.err):

Starting file '/share//pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq.longest25.frg'.

Processing SINGLE-ENDED SANGER QV encoding reads from:
FASTQ quality name line too long in read 'T.......GC'

Failure message:

gatekeeper failed


Bugs: #312


  • Sergey Koren

    Sergey Koren - 2015-07-06

    I've seen some instability in PBDAGCON on various systems because of it's static compilation. If you are using the PBDAGCON that came with rc2 (if there is a pbdagcon executable in Linux-amd64/bin/) you can try replacing it with one built on your system or copied from your installation of SMRTportal. If that doesn't fix it, you can also try editing the script to use one thread to see if that removes the instability.

    • Mahul  Chakraborty

      OK. I will try that. Thanks, Sergey.

      On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 2:44 PM Sergey Koren wrote:

      I've seen some instability in PBDAGCON on various systems because of it's
      static compilation. If you are using the PBDAGCON that came with rc2 (if
      there is a pbdagcon executable in Linux-amd64/bin/) you can try replacing
      it with one built on your system or copied from your installation of
      SMRTportal. If that doesn't fix it, you can also try editing the script to use one thread to see if that removes the

      Status: open
      Group: correction
      Created: Tue Jun 23, 2015 08:32 PM UTC by Mahul Chakraborty
      Last Updated: Tue Jun 23, 2015 08:32 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I am running rc2 to correct PB reads from a fly. The PBcR pipeline stopped
      right after corrected reads are generated. Apparently the fastq file
      containing the corrected reads (corrected.fastq) has at least one line
      where a qual line and a seq line got joined. I have noticed that this
      happens when some of the consensus jobs fail (with -sensitive) and I
      restart the pipeline (after removing This did not happen
      before rc1 (rc1 was also doing this but I thought it was an issue with our
      system, so never reported it). Do you know what might be responsible for

      A summary of the error:

      $ less runPBcR.runCA.sge.out.00
      /dfs1/bio/mchakrab/pacbio/wgs-8.3rc2/Linux-amd64/bin/gatekeeper -o
      /share//pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq/asm.gkpStore.BUILDING -T -F
      /share/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq.longest25.frg >
      /share/pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq/asm.gkpStore.err 2>&1
      ----------------------------------------END Tue Jun 23 12:04:26 2015 (81
      ERROR: Failed with signal HUP (1)


      runCA failed.

      Stack trace:

      at /dfs1/pacbio/wgs-8.3rc2/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA line 1629
      main::caFailure('gatekeeper failed',
      '/share/pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq/asm.g...') called at
      /dfs1/pacbio/wgs-8.3rc2/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA line 1958
      called at /dfs1/pacbio/wgs-8.3rc2/Linux-amd64/bin/runCA line 6251

      Last few lines of the relevant log file

      Starting file '/share//pacbio/dtes/pacbio_assembly/dtes_hq.longest25.frg'.

      Processing SINGLE-ENDED SANGER QV encoding reads from:
      FASTQ quality name line too long in read 'T.......GC'

      Failure message:

      gatekeeper failed

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      Bugs: #312

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