
VC8 Fixes...

Not much new in Cvs lately.. I recieved word that the Mac port was back in work, and of an OisDotNet wrapper.. Will make a nice addition to the PyOis wrapper - we'll see when those actually make it into OIS. Hopefully, before the next release =)

Besides that, fixed up VC8 project files in cvs. There was a couple of path issues, and the VC8 iostream stl bug had to be worked around - replacing stringstream with ostringstream - to avoid crashes/mem leaks.

The next release may just be a bug fix release if MacOSX port does not arrive soon. Slowly appraoching version 1.0. Where after that, releases will not jump up so high (if you can call only being version .5 a big jump). I think, once the mac port is in, and has been tested by a few people, I will bump OIS to actuul version 1.0

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-03-21

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