
Object Oriented Input System / News: Recent posts

1.2 Release

1.2 Source Release is officially out. It contains a lot of improvements over previous versions:
* Better Mac Support
* Factory Created Objects
* Win32 Wiimote support (optional)
* LIRC Support (optional - experimental)
* Bug fixes (check forums for more info)
* etc

Not all desired features or bug fixes made it to this release, but don't fear, an upcoming 1.2.1 will add many pending features (Linux FF, MS XInput, etc).

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2008-03-13

1.0 Finally!!!

Ok, I know news here has been slightly behind the times. Anyway, last news item is over a year old, and now 1.0 is officially released. Expect to see a 1.2 release candidate coming very soon, as that branch has been in work for some time and is pretty stable.

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2007-06-23

OIS 0.7.2 Coming soon

The 0.7.1 release has just come and went. And wouldn't you know it, a very nasty bug was fixed in regards to Win32 Joysticks right after the release. So, any new downloaders, I suggest grab the latest release from cvs v0-7 branch. Because of the severity of the bug, the .2 release will be coming very soon.

However, to further make a new release worth while, I plan for these additional features with the release:
* OIS SDK Installer for Win32 (VC7.1, VC8, C::B)
* pyOIS Build for win32 to be included in the SDK
Arrow Offline documentation, and API reference included with the SDK
* Take a look at the state of the .Net OIS bindings, and perhaps include them with the installer
* See about including the Gesture demo (in oisaddons) to te SDK under examples

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-07-11

0.6.0 Coming Soon !

Well, this will be mostly a bugfix/maintenance/cleanup/etc release. No new features have been addded.

But much improvements have been made in terms of stability and use. OIS is approaching the the point where it can be officially called v1.0

However, first thing that must happen is Force Feedback under linux must at least work (or be close).. If that fails, then there must at least be a functional MacOSX port (Key/Mouse/Joys) or console port.

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-04-09

VC8 Fixes...

Not much new in Cvs lately.. I recieved word that the Mac port was back in work, and of an OisDotNet wrapper.. Will make a nice addition to the PyOis wrapper - we'll see when those actually make it into OIS. Hopefully, before the next release =)

Besides that, fixed up VC8 project files in cvs. There was a couple of path issues, and the VC8 iostream stl bug had to be worked around - replacing stringstream with ostringstream - to avoid crashes/mem leaks.... read more

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-03-21

OIS 0.5.0 Released

Unfortunately, complete Mac support could not make it into this release. However, enough bug fixes and fixes to keyboard support have warranted a release. So, here it is =)

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-03-04

OIS 0.5.0 Road Map:

For those who do not follow my main site, I am duplicatin the information there here. Because this stuff is really exciting:
"Looking forward to the next release of OIS.. Some features that should make it into 0.5.0 are (barring any unforseen events):

* Mac OSX Port
* MSVC 2005 (VC8) Project Files
* Linux 64 Compatiable
* Windows 64 Bit compatiable
* Multinational Keyboard Text Support
* Complete Joystick Mappings on Linux and Windows
* Mouse/Keyboard Gesture Demo (oisaddons/demos/)... read more

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-02-22

New Server!

The new dedicated server has been deployed! Now, I just need to install some backend webhosting utilities, reupload the site, and restore the databases.. hopefully, this should all go smoothly tomorrow (*crosses fingers*) and I will update my DNS servers, for the site to come back live tomorrow nite or Saturday at the latest.

It cost a pretty penny, so hopefully the new site delivers =)

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-02-10

Dedicated server is in the works

I have secured a dedicated server to host the OIS and other wreckedgame's projects on. Considering the minimal amount of visitors wreckedgames has recieved in the past, this server should perform exceptionally well, and allow a lot of room for growth.

Currently, I am just waiting for the OS setup, then I will be setting up the webserver. Features planned will be:

* The wiki and forums back online
* Having compiled Demos (of both Theora Plugin (Ogre's and the C# version) and OIS)
* Online Doxy docs for both OIS and theora plugin... read more

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-02-08

Latest News...

Well, most already know that the home page is down and has been for a few weeks now. Well, I had some bad experiences with multiple crummy webhost over the last couple years.. So, after my last host cruded out, i was reluctant to waste any money or time getting a new one just yet.. And, I have not switched to for hosting as I run other things besides this project.

Anyway, this has led me to conclude that the best course of action is to get my hands on a nice little dedicated server box - which would also be cool for me when working on my other projects. So, stay tuned and the site will be up in a week or so.... read more

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2006-02-02

OIS is not dead =)

Though it has been a couple months since a release and there have been no SourceForge news posts... That by no means, means that the project has died or even slowed. I have been active over at the WreckedGames forums about OIS. And have been working on CVS head on and off - after all, it has been the holiday season and I have just finished finals.

Anyway, I have gotten back full swing into Force Feedback again, and have made much progress. While I was hoping for a release last weekend, I think I can get on out in the next couple of days. So, stay tuned, or check out cvs for the FF interface.

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2005-12-21

CVS is looking good...

CVS has had numerous bug fixes and enhacements.. Please view the home page for changes/fixes.

0.4.0 is a long way away still.. mainly due to no Mac release. Though, Force Feedback is still only 50% implement on Linux and Win32... I cannot do much more on linux until I get a device that either works with FF on linux, or someone does the work for me - though, the enumeration and Event API is in use now.... read more

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2005-11-06

OIS Status Update

I put up the pre-alpha version source in the file release section, for those who do not have cvs access.. However, the real exicting stuff is in CVS. Version 0.2.0 is approaching quickly, the X Event Input in the linux version is coming along nicely... Keyboard is pretty much finalized, I just need to add the mouse implementation.

However, currently I have been working with Ogre's GLX Platform Manager to make it ready to test with this lib (as I am a big Ogre user). The patch is submitted to Ogre patch trcker, so now I am starting to work with Ogre as the test app so I can get mouse and keyboard working good under X.

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2005-10-10

OIS Project Page up

Object Oriented Input System (OIS) has just recieved this sourceforge project page. CVS currently has no files in it; however, this will quickly be remedied. Stay tuned

Posted by Phillip Castaneda 2005-10-04