
Web Enabled Table Top / News: Recent posts

First Logo Posted

Bryon Snell, our new artist, has come up with a logo for us. It will be the first of several that we'll vote on. I've added it to the Home Page and the Wiki front page.

Posted by Ray Benjamin 2002-10-16

Moved Requirements to Wiki

The numbering and formating of the Requirements Document I posted in the Docs section got messed up so I deleted that document. I've moved all that material to the Wiki so all the developers can work on fleshing out the requirements as they get an opportunity to do so.

Posted by Ray Benjamin 2002-10-14

The Wiki is Working!

The Wiki for the Wett-P2P site is now working. The Wiki will be used to facilitate designing the Web Enabled Table Top software.

Posted by Ray Benjamin 2002-10-13

In-Progress Requirements Document Submitted

I've posted the bare beginnings of a requirements document to the site. You can find it in Docs. I wanted to let all of you see the general direction I am going with the requirements documentation. Each requirement will be numbered so we can track it throughout the project. Each requirement must be a "Testable Requirement". That means that in order for it to be valid, we must be able to concieve of a way of testing it. Please feel free to offer up your comments on the Devl mailing list. Thanks, Ray

Posted by Ray Benjamin 2002-10-10

Project Launched!

The first task is to get the sourceforge site completely set up and then I'll start putting together the design documents.

Posted by Ray Benjamin 2002-10-08