
New core changes

Although Web Wrench is supposed to be at a beta level, i'm doing more dramatic changes to the core. After doing ALOT of thinking I have decide that everything should revolve around the pages. Pages will act as like catagory dividers for modules like news, articals and bulletin boards.
Part of this involves a change to pages table adding a auto_incremented Id column for the internal system to link to.
Next instead of a seperate pages for the editors, the editors will be inline to the admin browsing the website. Basically it will be like the image editor. News posted on a page will only appear on that page. You will be able to edit pages to remove and format (*tags*) as you see fit, but WW will have a template default that it will use to create new pages from.
The image system is probably going to remain the same, as I haven't determined if it would or would not be benefitual to have it also linked to the pages.
After this fix to the page system and rewrite to the news reader, news editor and page editor. I'm going to work on a Review Module, message board module and Artical module. in that order.
At that point WW will be par to the Nukes CMS's for even the non-programmer types and i'm going to focus on a installer package and of course the much needed documentation which currently non-existant or outdated.
As promised from the begining WW is virtual domain friendly and is a breeze for ISP's that want to use it for their customers or a individual who has a home directory account. There is two steps to installation. Step one the server, which is installing the main WW server setup. This is the and specifies such things as what SQL server to use. As of yet the only driver avialable is MySQL. Second step is the site. Which and possiably the index.php. In general once you have created a index.php file (AKA boot strap) for your setup it can be re-used for every site on that server. But the holds the unique stuff for each site such as user name and password for mysql accounts etc etc. Anyways, the point of this long winded definition is that the installer script is going to be a little more involved and is going to consist of actually two scripts. One for creating a new WW server and the second for building new sites on a WW server. Even if you are only planning to run one site on a server. I'm planning on the server script to utilize CVS for installing. The installer version module branch on the CVS tree will simply be called webwrench. As far as the developer module will remain to be muster for the time being.
Those developers that currently have WW working on their site should note that in the upcoming version THERE IS GOING TO BE CHANGES TO THE SQL TABLES. You will have to alter your tables to run the new version. I will document these changes when I commit the changes.
Anyways for those of you out there already enjoying the WW way of life... This Bud's for you! =)
BTW: I fixed the gaping wide whole in security with the cookie thing. It's on the CVS tree now.

Posted by Shawn Rapp 2003-07-31

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