
Muster Release

A new release is being worked on. This next version is going to be a beta version as the core has been pretty much cemented on what its going to be and not to many design changes are likely to happen. This new version (which is available via CVS) uses a complete object oriented frame work API system. Dynamic pages are built from a standard HTML that acts like a template. In the page you place special tags that tells Web Wrench to insert object components. This system is going to be massively configurable and user friendly.
More PHP4 programmers will be needed soon for modules. Unlike the other guys this project promises to be a rock solid PHP content manager that isn't going to make your module uncompatiable every time there is a new version like some of the other content managers out there.
SO PHP programmers check it out! You'll be thankful you did. ;-)

Posted by Shawn Rapp 2002-12-18

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