
WebWizard / News: Recent posts

Project possible moving, new bulletin board & domain name?

I'm considering moving the project site over to Freewebs, and adding a forum. Freewebs is a pretty neat free web hosting service, with heaps of pre-made templates, and it's very flexible too.

I'd also add a bulletin board (InvisionFree is the current choice, and, being based on Invision Power Board nd having past experience with it, is a choice), and maybe a domain name to boot.

Of course, I can't afford a domain name, and IF needs stacks of skinning to be as good quality as vBulletin.... read more

Posted by L337kybldmstr 2006-10-26

Stripped-down WebWizard

After countless hours examing the problem, I've come to the conclusion that the error is being caused by there being multiple tabs open. More testing will follow, but in the meantime, check out WebWizard Alpha 1.1! It's missing the multiple tabs for now, but it should work.

Posted by L337kybldmstr 2006-10-26

WebWizard Alpha: bug-fix needed

OK, the first alpha for WebWizard is out, but needs a fatal bug bug to be fixed. Just unzip the file, open and run the project in Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition (it may work in Visual Studio 2005 and/or Visual Studio Team System Editions, but I don't know) and see if you can work out (and hopefully) fix it; I'm not a VB.NET language laywer yet, ya know!

Anyway, if you have fixed it, zip and email the fixed project in whole (no edits or new features, just a fixed fatal bug) as an attachment to, under the email subject "Fixed WWA". Remember, the future of this project is in your hands!

Posted by L337kybldmstr 2006-10-20