
Webtistics Webstats / News: Recent posts

Release: Webtistics 0.4.0

Webtistics is a web statistics program which uses formulas to predict bandwidth useage and correlation between different variables regarding web traffic.

Webtistics 0.4.0's major update is the ability to now parse HTML documents for local images embedded in webpages and account for them when tallying bandwidth useage. Other new features to this version include some changes to the graph and CSS hover support for Internet Explorer, however Internet Explorer still cannot properly render the entire page correctly.... read more

Posted by Omega 2006-08-06

Release: Webtistics 0.3.2

Webtisitcs is a webstats program which uses statistical formulas to predict bandwidth useage and also reports data on other site traffic variables.

Webtistics 0.3.2 features an update notification system and now reports which browsers visitors are using when viewing your site.

The complete change log:

And download:

Posted by Omega 2006-07-29

Release: Webtistics 0.3.1

Webtistics is a PHP and MySQL powered webstats program which uses formulas from statistics to identify correlation, make predictions, and give confidence intervals for various sets of data gathered about the traffic of your site.

To make a long story short, I recently upgraded to PHP 5.1.4 and found all these sessions and header errors in Webtistics. This release is the official release which deals with these errors. I also tweaked the bar graph renderer and other functions to remove all those divide by zero errors which plagued previous versions of Webtistics. Any sort of the feedback on the project would be much appreciated as well.... read more

Posted by Omega 2006-07-17

Release: Webtistics 0.3.0

Webtistics is a PHP and MySQL powered webstats program which uses formulas from statistics to identify correlation, make predictions, and give confidence intervals for various sets of data gathered about the traffic of your site.

Webtistics 0.3.0 is a major release with the addition of the color bar graph which keeps monthly tallies for 4 different aspects of site traffic. Also, the entire project outputs 100% Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict code, resulting in greater interoperability. For more changes, please see the change log: read more

Posted by Omega 2006-07-09

Release: Webtistics 0.2.1

A few hours ago I realized a significant bug in Webtistics 0.2.0 which could generate conflicts with other session enabled scripts. The problem was the generic name I gave to the variable which describes the logged in user. I quickly gave the variable, formerly $_SESSION['auth_user'], a webtistics_ prefix, making it $_SESSION['webtistics_auth_user'], hopefully resolving any conflicts that might have occured with any other session enabled pages that were not Webtistics-related.... read more

Posted by Omega 2006-07-02

Release: Webtistics 0.2.0

The (short) wait is over. Webtistics 0.2.0 is released. New features include optional, non-Apache dependent, password protection of Webtistics files. Also added was a new inference of Unique Pages vs. Hits. 0.2.0 is also the first release to implement the confidence interval function in functions.php which returns a confidence interval for the true mean of a set of numbers. Confidence intervals are now used on hits/unique visitors/bandwidth useage per day. Also, bandwidth numbers have been rounded to avoid unsightly output.
Upgrading of Webtistics is now easy. If upgrading from any previous version, simply delete all the files in the Webtistics directory, upload the new ones. The use of the IF NOT EXISTS statement in install.php will prevent the overwrite of previous data.
In near-future releases of Webtistics, I plan to support databases other than MySQL, namely PostreSQL and SQLite.

Posted by Omega 2006-07-01

Release: Webtistics 0.1.4

I just got back from my vacation, on which I had time to contemplate some problems thawarting Webtistics. This new release has fixed some bugs and removed an unnecessary function. It is recommended to immediately reinstall Webtistics. I have no official upgrade file yet to upgrade Webtistics with, so reinstalling is the only way currently, however, that doesn't mean that you have to lose all (if any) data logged by the previous version of Webtistics. Simply preserve the data in the MySQL database before reinstalling and then reinsert the data.
I plan to release version 0.2.0 within the next two weeks which will feature more correlation analyses. And use of the confidence interval function.

Posted by Omega 2006-06-27

Release: Webtistics 0.1.2

Today I released the first public version of Webtistics. There are many different datas in the first version and more will come with time. I had to rush to get this release off in time because starting tomorrow, I will be away until the 24th, and unable to even look at the Webtistics code.
There seems to be one bug major bug I've identified so far, but have been unable to understand why it happens. On some servers, it says that the webtistics snippet file doesn't exist when you're using the reguire_once method to include it in a script. I'll see if I can figure out more on that before the end of the month.

Posted by Omega 2006-06-11

Project Update: 29 May 2006

Well, as for right now, I see no need for any extra help on this project so I will not be actively recruiting anyone. I shall remain the sole developer for now.

Also, I might have to push back the first release of Webtistics because of some problems I'm having with identifying unique visitors.

Posted by Omega 2006-05-29