
Scientific Calculator 1.2.7 Released

Why was this calculator created?
This calculator was created to have easy integration into web applications. There are many advanced
javascript/web interface calculators on the web. This calculator was programmed to be totally
standards compliant unless a specific browser is being used (Internet Explorer to be exact). Not only
is it W3C and MSDN (for IE) standards compliant, but the code itself has a consistent format. All
javascript is tabbed the same way, all CSS is tabbed the same way, and all of the HTML is tabbed the
same way. What this calculator aims to do is to work in every condition, be standards compliant, and
when the code is searched through it is very easy to read. Not only that but it is heavily commented
to explain the different functions and features from within. The calculator should work on all
JavaScript enabled, CSS 2.0 compatible web browsers.

Whats new in 1.2.7? (02/07/2008)
HTML/CSS Changes:
1. Added a new entry to the Settings menu, "Keys Enabled". This allows the user to toggle the
shortcut keys for the calculator on/off. This step was imparative for this calculator to
be cross platform because of browsers like opera where it has key events but has shortcuts
for several of the keys used in this calculator. This incompatibility lead to problems when
trying to type in the calculator.

Documentation changes:
1. Reindexed and updated documentation for the added features.
2. Revised documentation correcting spelling errors.
3. After more browser testing I have split the browsers compatible with the calculator in to
two categories: Fully supported and other (not fully supported). The full support is if
the calc can use the shortcut keys to compute equations.

Javascript Changes (core functionality of the calculator):
1. toggle_keys() function added to calc_resources\js\menu_execution.js
2. Slimmed a little bit more code in fire_calc.html and calc_resources\js\menu_execution.js

1. Currently Internet Explorer, Mozilla 1.7, Firefox, and Netscape 9 are fully supported for
the shortcut key functionality. Other browsers are either not fully supported or untested.

Posted by Sam Gleske 2008-02-07

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