

martin Freemann

Welcome to WebSolarLog!

This page will be used as an sort off FAQ.

WebSolarLog started as an fork off the 123Aurora project. However it became an full rewrite off the code.

With this software you can monitor your solar system and the dutch smart meter.

At the moment we support the folowing Inverters:
- PowerOne Aurora (Aurora)
- SMA RS485 (SMA-get)
- SMA Bluetooth (SMA-spot)
- Dutch SmartMeter (currently being tested)
- MasterVolt (Work in progress)
- Effekta (Work in progress)
- Diehl (Beta Testing in stable release 1.0.0)

We hope we can extend this in the near feature.

Both the SMA and the Aurora will be monitored through the RS485 bus. Using the aurora project from Curt Blanks or the sma-get project from Roland Breedveld.

Dutch SmartMeter is being monitored by an P1 Python script. However there is an php alternative on its way.

We support output to:
- pvoutput
- twitter (daily stats)
- dropbox (backup)
- email (daily reports and error/warnings)

[minimal software requirements]
[Preperations for WebSolarLog]
[Locales and Languages]

[123aurora importer]
[checkdb script]


Project Admins:


Wiki: 123aurora importer
Wiki: Hooks
Wiki: Installation
Wiki: Locales and Languages
Wiki: Preperations for WebSolarLog
Wiki: Updater
Wiki: checkdb script
Wiki: minimal software requirements