The WebSIM source code has been moved from CVS to Subversion. Any new development will be done in the Subversion repository.
As you might have noticed, the development of WebSIM was stopped in 2005 due to lack of funding. Allthough no financial support for further development has been aquired, I've decided to update the source every now and then anyway.
WebSIM is still in use, and has been running on production servers since 2001 - allthough it has never gotten out of beta some still find it worthwhile... :) The unique administrative capabilities of WebSIM still makes it an interesting web publishing system.... read more
Fant endelig en god dokumentasjon p hvordan opplasting av nye versjoner (zippet og klar for nedlasting og kjring) kan gjres. Den ligger her:
S husker alle det... :)
WebSIM v2.1 beta is now available for download. It seems that the reason why the zip-file didn't show up, was that it takes some time for the file to be registered.
Remember that in this release, the setup files are not included, so a new installation will be quite difficult.
Updates to existing/running versions should still be possible by simply replacing the old source files with this version.
I am currently trying to find out how to use the SourceForge system, which for instance is the reason why no files are included in the download package. Please have som patience while i use the brute force technique on figuring this out...