
Webbased stock AI / News: Recent posts

Database dump in SVN & 0.0.1 comming soon!

In the last commit I added the database dump (sql) to SVN. This way the software can be actually be used... sorry that did not added this before!

Allot of the 'ground work' has been done so version 0.0.1 is almost coming. You can now add/edit/delete stocks so the only the portfolio's feature has to be done (for the this first release).

Of course are there many rough edges and allot of code are note even near completion, but for the first (alfa) release things are almost good enough!... read more

Posted by Ronald Broens 2008-05-16

No AI support in V0.0.1

Version 0.0.1 is taking to long, so I removing some features of the requirement list. The first most import thing is to move AI support to the next release V0.0.2.

I know that AI support is the main goal for this project, and code is also written to build an AI expert system. But to complete this framework, i need to be able to mange stocks. The current version (SVN only) can display a list of all known stocks, detail view and show a simple graph. ... read more

Posted by Ronald Broens 2008-02-02

Cvs is gone, hello SVN

CVS is no longer used in this project. As i am the only developer at this time, I prefer SVN as it can be intergrated in my IDE. SVN supposed to be better then CVS, from now on only SVN!

Posted by Ronald Broens 2008-02-02

Steps to v0.0.1

This project is still making progress towards the first release. The code is changed to Php5 as previously noted, no support for php4 at all in the current at any future releases.

Begin of the AI framework is almost done. Simple expression parsing implemented and a framework of a expert system using sets and boolean rules is build. Only real data (without any calculation) can be used at the moment and the rules only can get the last data, so for simulation it is worthless now. Allot more work needs to be done, but this is going great!... read more

Posted by Ronald Broens 2007-11-14

Use of PHP5

Php 4 will be dead next year (augusts i think), so the first lines off code i made (in PHP 4) will be completely rewritten to PHP 5. PHP5 is far more OO and helps to make the code more clean.

Posted by Ronald Broens 2007-09-21

Project started

I have programming this for sometime now, in my spare time, but now it released under a opensource license. The current version is just 'work in progress' not even a real release. If someone like to test it, you can look at the CVS, it is not much.. yet!

Posted by Ronald Broens 2007-08-16