
WebNews / News: Recent posts

WebNews 1.3.1 released

This release includes a few small speed optimizations, and a clarification to the instructions on the subscriptions page.

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2010-02-02

WebNews 1.3 released

Andreas Karrer contributed a large number of patches for this release, which implement support for CSS, previous/next article buttons, colorized quoting, and several bug fixes. Taken together, his changes make for a faster and much better-looking WebNews -- you should definitely check it out!

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2005-01-03

WebNews 1.2.4 released

This is mostly a minor bug fix release, but it also makes installing into a separate "cgi-bin" directory slightly easier.

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2004-07-11

WebNews Danish translation updated

Tomas Christian Jensen has sent me a new version of the Danish translation for WebNews. You can download the new translation patch from our website, or from our SourceForge file download area. Thanks, Tomas!

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2003-07-26

WebNews 1.2.3 released

New configuration variable "MAINTAINER" so you don't need to edit
webnews.cgi to change the e-mail address that appears at the bottom
of each page.
You can also get a Danish localization with this release
(webnews-dk). See:

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2002-02-14

WebNews 1.2.2 released

Several incremental performance improvements have been made, and a couple of important race-condition bugs have been fixed. For more info:

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2001-11-21

WebNews Non-User Survey

I'm interested in the thoughts of our vast non-user community. If you are the sort of person who fills out surveys and runs a web site, take a moment to fill out our survey:

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2001-08-31

WebNews works with mod_perl

The information has been added to the documentation. View it at .
I am interested in hearing other people's experiences, too.

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2001-08-28

current releases uploaded

All existing releases of WebNews have been uploaded to SourceForge.

Posted by Brian R. Gaeke 2001-07-08

Web News Project created

Web News is primary a test project on sourceforge
and will try to implement a simple to use pack of
perl modules/scripts to have a news part on your homepage.

Posted by Roland Lammel 2000-04-06