
WebMovieDB / News: Recent posts

WebMovieDB new developer release 2.1.3

New in this release of your favorite multi-user online movie management:
- New session system (independant of php sessions)
- Improved modularization for classes user, usermanager, movie, movieversion
- IMDB query can be disabled
- A lot of workflow bugs fixed
- Worklist and Mass Update now are really usable
- Fixes for password / group edit
- New private field only shown to owner
- Unit Tests for better development
- New distribution script

Posted by Roland Lammel 2003-02-14

WebMovieDB New Versioning and 2.1.1

We changed the versioning scheme to have all stable releases numbered even (the minor number). SO the 2.1.1 release is the first in the series on the road to the next stable release (2.2)

Have Fun

+rl and jester

Posted by Roland Lammel 2003-01-03

WebmovieDB 2.0 released

New Features:
- Limit to 30 movies per page
- Powersearch
- Wishlist improved
- Worklist (for mass updating purposes)
- IconCheck (Display movie properties of all movies on one page / Admin Only)
- Movie Merging (Move detailes from one movie to another)
- Messaging improved
- IMDb pic and plot grab when adding new movies

Posted by Rene Babel 2002-12-31

WebMovieDB first 2.0 release candidate

WebMovieDB, a simple but powerful multi user web management tool, is taking the final preperations for a new version.

Finally the most wanted features start to show up
- Mass Update
- Worklist Support
- Multipage listings
- Power Search
- IMdb querying on movie creation
- Small Maintainance and Installation Improvements

See the Changelog for more details

Posted by Roland Lammel 2002-12-14

On the road to 2.0

The next steps have been made on the road to 2.0, so webmoviedb will be easier to use for more people out there. This is a development version and database layout is still not final, but for those, who like experimenting it's worth a look.

Posted by Roland Lammel 2002-05-14

First preview of 2.0 development

Release 1.9.1 is somewhat the first beta on our 2.0 series (which will take a lot more time) bringing better searching, first mass update functions.

Comments/Rating and updateing of installed databases will follow in next release.



Posted by Roland Lammel 2002-02-06

WebMovieDB 1.6.2 released

This release focused mainly on bugfixing.
No new features were implemented but almost all bugs were fixed. (If you still finde some, let us know)
Expect new features and documentation in 2.0 which will be our next release.


Posted by Rene Babel 2002-01-04

MovieDB - a run into the future

While we're still keeping our focus on the last bugs which are marked for version 1.6, slowly our minds start to think about the next incarnation of webmoviedb. It's nice to see some other folks starting to get interested, so we're trying to learn our lessons from what worked out great and what did not.
The 2.0 release has allready some bugs marked and new tasks have been opened. We expect to have the theming ready by then, have the interface made better usable and kept the bugs as low as possible.
Maybe also some documentation be available.... read more

Posted by Roland Lammel 2002-01-03

MovieDB 1.6 - The next incarnation

Enough of the cool titles for releases, it was time
to release what has been in development for another couple of weeks. What's in there is in the release notes for version 1.6.

So give it a try, and please report errors and feature requests on the project page.


Posted by Roland Lammel 2001-12-16

Installable version coming...

A lot of bugs have been fixed again (e.g. register_globals is not needed anymore), and a new installer is in the works to have an easy first time setup.

Posted by Roland Lammel 2001-10-17

WebMovieDB 1.5 - First download package

THe first download package has been submited, still the SQL creation scripts for the needed tables are missing, but they should follow soon...

Posted by Roland Lammel 2001-10-01

A rise from the ashes...

Project created and first tools set up.

CVS will be uploaded shortly (when I find a way to import our current cvs)

Everyone whos interested should fire an email of, so we might give some first impressions

Posted by Roland Lammel 2001-06-10