
WebMod / Blog: Recent posts

Next steps: XM

MOD playback is not nearly good yet (especially because a lot of effects aren't implemented or correctly working yet), nevertheless I am going to implement the other file loaders first, to establish a common, internal structure of the loaded module.
Actually, after MOD I wanted to implement S3M loading, then XM, then IT. However, I am not very sure about the S3M format, but I already quite understand the XM format, so I decided to prefer the XM format. I think, XM is much more used as S3M is, and propably many XM formats, that don't have any special effects, would be playable quite soon after the implementation of the loader.... read more

Posted by Tenry 2014-11-10

Why I am doing this project

Web applications seem to become more and more popular, and games - based on HTML5 - are no exceptions. So, I was interested to give it a try: create a small game, based on HTML5+Canvas+JavaScript. My previous experiences were based on C++, PHP, Lua, HTML and some other languages, but barely JavaScript. So, one reason for me trying web development is learning JavaScript, especially based on browsers and using web APIs. So, I've got a small canvas-based Jump'n Run working quite quickly.
Then, I was thinking about sound. To be specific: music. There are various possibilities: Use an

Posted by Tenry 2014-11-10