
Webmin System stats / News: Recent posts

webminstats 2.22 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue
in this release :
* (ping) add alerts if ping fail
* (hddtemp) allow modify device to add prefix
* add init_all button in config.cgi
* add lib directory
* rename all config sample from config.txt to config.sample
* add webmin version in index footer
* add new module audit
* add new module battery

Posted by eric gerbier 2024-08-04

webminstats 2.21 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue
in this release :
- use new refresh api in display* code; works with webmin >= 1.998
- firewall module can work with nftables
- firewall,fail2ban modules can work on journalctl logs
- add new command to adapt module's config
- change gpg key to F80D3B85029F2DACC6A8469A364644463D1079A1... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2022-09-19

webminstats 2.20 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue

release 2.20 : is a fix to work with webmin 1.970

Posted by eric gerbier 2021-01-10

webminstats 2.18 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue

release 2.18 : this is a small release with some bugfixes

* fix panorama problem with authentic theme > 18
* fix bug 95 Argument "usb_fiq" isn't numeric in addition (+) at ./ line 89
* (log.cgi, debug.cgi) fix duplicate parameter
improvement :
* (mysql) my.cnf under running user home
* (snapshot.cgi) change date suffix to yymmdd_hhmm
* better ui integration (forms)
* change alarm's timeout (config) to avoid false positives
internal :
* rename generate_graph sub into my_generate_icon
* begin_row, end_row, title_row return string to be printed
* use POST method instead GET in html forms
* control module name in cgi (is_module_installed)
incompatibilities :
* refresh does not work well with last authentic theme releases

Posted by eric gerbier 2018-05-13

webminstats 2.18c (beta) released

WARNING : this is a beta (not stable) release.

the major change is the fix of the panorama problem with recent authentic themes releases ( > 18)

  • (mysql) my.cnf under running user home
  • fix panorama problem with authentic theme > 18
  • rename generate_graph sub into my_generate_icon
  • begin_row, end_row, title_row return string to be printed
  • fix bug 95 Argument "usb_fiq" isn't numeric in addition (+) at ./ line 89
  • (snapshot.cgi) change date suffix to yymmdd_hhmm
  • use POST method instead GET in html forms
  • (log.cgi, debug.cgi) fix duplicate parameter
  • better ui integration (forms)
  • control module name in cgi (is_module_installed)
Posted by eric gerbier 2018-04-27

webminstats 2.17 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue

release 2.17

this is a small release with some bugfixes

* fix pb with POSIX::tmpnam on debian 10
* fix netstat icon pb
improvement :
* better env clean (cf perlsec)
* ( move logs from /var/webmin/sysstats to /var/webmin/modules/sysstats

Posted by eric gerbier 2017-09-28

webminstats 2.16 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue

release 2.16

this release fixes a really nasty bug : in some cases, module aquisistion was not working, without any warning info.

* (genfile) fix undefined runstop
* (actions) test arg for log target
* (debug.cgi) remove my_close in journaliser to fix loop problem in debug mode
* ( fix modules aquisition without data and without warnings
* (mysql) fix postinstall bug on my.cnf
new features :
* clear log make a copy with old suffix before empty file
* (cpu) add cumulatives parameters for action test and fix action doc
improvement :
* (actions) fix and change log format
* (actions) add doc action log
* (actions) remove action flag if rule is disabled
* exclude /dev/ram from disk list
* (cpu) only display "real" extra parameters
* (uptime) use /proc/uptime command instead /proc/1
* add date in aquisition debug to help search bottleneck
* improve help on alarms parameters (process and elapsed time)
internal :
* use my_close_pipe (not necessary, but cleaner)
* common code in init_module_run
* get_time call get_process_time in sysstats-gen-lib
* ( modules are directories
incompatibilities :
* (netstat) change display names, add _in/_out suffix to match actions names
* (disk) change display names to match actions names and fix action doc

Posted by eric gerbier 2017-07-07

webminstats 2.15 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue

release 2.15

this release mainly fixes problems with perl on debian 9.
It also comes with a new funny module : uptime.

bugfix :
* (firewall) fix bug with kernel 4.x
* (mysql) remove object io code
* (bugfix) no display on debian testing
* (display, display_custom) fix bug on navigation and opt param... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2017-04-07

bugfix for firewall module : 1.6 released

The code was generating a bad configuration file for linux kernel 4.x, and the module was sending alarm messages such :
WARNING on module firewall main::read_pipe_stream(/etc/webmin/sysstats/modules/firewall/../../ 606) : can not open piped command /bin/ -L -n -v -x 2>&1 | : Permission denied
Use of uninitialized value $pipe in at ./ line 93.

Posted by eric gerbier 2016-08-29

webminstats 2.14 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue

release 2.14

for bsd users : after webminstats install, you have to run the following command
sh /usr/local/lib/webmin/sysstats/
to fix the perl path

bugfix :
* fix icon size in panorama (in authentic theme)
new features :
* (actions) display current action if exists (config.cgi,edit_module.cgi)
* (actions) display action status in display/display_custom
* (bsd) fix perl shebang for bsd
improvement :
* (mysql) more secure way to send password using .my.cnf
* (log.cgi) only display last log lines
* (log.cgi) add button to force display all log file
* (actions) only log if action is done
* (actions) test if pre-req tools are available
* log alarm/action recovery
internal :
* (actions) remove duplicated list in code
incompatibilities :
* (actions) action_freq now stands for all action (not only mailto)
* (mailq) do not warn about mailq command (ssmtp)

Posted by eric gerbier 2016-07-29

webminstats 2.14e (beta) released

release 2.14e

WARNING : this is a beta release !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for bsd users : after webminstats install, you have to run the following command
sh /usr/local/lib/webmin/sysstats/
to fix the perl path

bugfix :
* fix icon size in panorama (in authentic theme)
new features :
* (actions) display current action if exists (config.cgi,edit_module.cgi)
* (actions) display action status in display/display_custom
* (bsd) fix perl shebang for bsd
improvement :
* (mysql) more secure way to send password using .my.cnf
* (log.cgi) only display last log lines
* (log.cgi) add button to force display all log file
* (actions) only log if action is done
* (actions) test if pre-req tools are available
* log alarm/action recovery
internal :
* (actions) remove duplicated list in code
incompatibilities :
* (actions) action_freq now stands for all action (not only mailto)
* (mailq) do not warn about mailq command (ssmtp)

Posted by eric gerbier 2016-07-20

webminstats 2.13 (stable) released

bugfix :
* (postgres) fix bug with process name on fedora 22 (may also be postgres)
new features :
* add new log target for actions
* can configure delay for alarms, actions remind
* (config.cgi, edit_module.cgi) display actions numbers
* (sysstats-action-lib) to avoid spam on mailto action, use same technic as on alarms
* (process) allow action on pcreate (derive parameter)
* (custom, mysql, postgres, firewall, irq) fix/add action for derive parameters
improvement :
* better hu translation (thanks Janos)
* add utf-8 help translation
internal :
* (process) remove shell dependency... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2015-09-18

webminstats moved from subversion to git

Weminstats scm was first cvs, then subversion for a long time, but with the last storage failure, some commit were lost, when the backup was restored.
So I decided to move the project to git, as all my others sourceforge projetcs. I use this doc : for the migration

Posted by eric gerbier 2015-08-21

new gpg key

For security reasons, I have a new gpg key, used to sign the packages.
It is avalaible as usual on
and on

pub 4096R/D6F7A56A 2015-08-04 Eric Gerbier
Empreinte clef princip. : 9BBD C9B9 29A3 1EE7 1E1E DD71 F52C 885A D6F7 A56A

Posted by eric gerbier 2015-08-14

webminstats 2.12 (stable) released

bugfix :
* ( service ) bugfix on systemd/upstart detection on ubuntu 15.04
* (process) bugfix on pcreate unit
* fix bug on install module install_mod.cgi/install_mod_p2.cgi
new features :
* (index.cgi) add aquisition last run date
* (index.cgi) add info on lock file and link to clear lock
* (config) new 'icons' options to allow icon/text menus
improvement :
* on update, keep module's runstop state (bug 83)
* firewall, internet, mailq, samba, snort (bug 83)
internal :
* (mysql) use common set_mysql_passwd from sysstats-gen-lib
* standardize icon size to 48*48 for menu, and 16x16 for others
* only use gif icons (remove png icons)
* remove unused icons
incompatibilities :
on update, all stopped modules will remain stopped, even if the environment
may allow the module to be started : if you want a maximum of running modules,
you should now check your-self all stopped modules !

Posted by eric gerbier 2015-07-03

webminstats 2.11 (stable) released

the main change is big rewrite to allow compatibility with themes (tested with authentic theme)

bugfix :
* fix bug with install on webmin >= 1.73
* fix bug on action operator =, add new operators >= and <=
* fix warning about ps output (bug 81)
* fix clone registration when copy data
* (display.js) bugfix, recode and debug code

new features :
* add navigation on config_action
* compatibility with authentic theme
* can configure the number of icons by row... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2015-04-09

webminstats 2.11e (beta) released

WARNING : this is a beta release for 2.11 version
test it only on not operational hosts, and please send me reports on problems

bugfix :
* fix bug with install on webmin >= 1.73
* fix bug on action operator =, add new operators >= and <=
* fix warning about ps output (bug 81)
* fix clone registration when copy data

new features :
* add navigation on config_action
* compatibility with authentic theme
* can configure the number of icons by row... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2015-04-02

webminstats 2.10 (stable) released

The main change is "internal" data : internal data show module aquisition duration.

bugfix :
* bugfix : navigation for display_custom
* fix online help for display/display_custom

new features :
* add lock on to have single instance run
* add internal data to store module aquisition duration
* add graph for internal data (display, display_custom, display_all)

improvement :
* set all dates in local time (no more utc time)... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2014-11-07

webminstats 2.9-2 (stable) released

this release fixes a bug in the navigation bar on the 2.9 release

Posted by eric gerbier 2014-06-02

webminstats 2.9 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue

bugfix :
- (diskio) fix bug 30 : invalid selection
- ( alarm_time in parallel mode
- remove unwanted characters from clone names (spaces) (bug 76)
- do not allow to delete a cloned module (bug 77)

new features :
- parallel option in config
- add italian translation (thanks roberto Nervi)
- add clone icon in footer
- full clone mode with config and data (feature 16)... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2014-05-19

webminstats 2.9b (beta) released

bugfix :
- (diskio) fix bug 30 : invalid selection
- ( alarm_time in parallel mode
- remove unwanted characters from clone names (spaces) (bug 76)
- do not allow to delete a cloned module (bug 77)

new features :
- parallel option in config
- add italian translation (thanks roberto Nervi)
- add clone icon in footer
- full clone mode with config and data (feature 16)

improvement :
- help for config options
- better interface for config (sorted)
- (modules) init force guess
- avoid warning about redefined subroutine with clones (support 29)
- avoid version warning on clones : replace clone name by orig name
- add more translation... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2014-04-30

webminstats 2.8 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to mail queue

bugfix :
* (hddtemp) : change hddtemp syntax call to fix bug ticket

new features :
* ( add beta code to have parallel code (fork)
* add about button to web access to release notes

improvement :
* replace rpm dependency to package by perl dependency to RRDs
* (services) add code for upstart/systemd client... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2013-10-15

webminstats 2.7 (stable) released

the main change for the 2.7 release is a new feature : you can now clone a module

bugfix :
* fix bug on batch_graph with disk/diskio module : remove globing
* fix bug on batch_graph : relative path problem
* (cpu) init to fix problem such cpu number change
* (filesopen) bugfix on returned values

new features :
* allow clone any module with
* will install webminstats module on webminstats's upgrade... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2013-03-29

webminstats 2.6 (stable) released

Webminstats is a Webmin's module which display a graphical log of historic information. It's modular in design, as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to email box size.

bugfix :
* #3546413 Error uninitialized value in subtraction in diskio
* (mem) fix problem on centos
* (load) force posix locale in aquisition to fix bad data
* fix bug on

new features :
* (hddtemp) #3517708 can choice temp unit (C or F)
* (display network) add links to others network's graph
* add init button to allow initialize default parameters... read more

Posted by eric gerbier 2013-01-18

webminstats 2.6j (devel) released

WARNING : this is a beta release for 2.5 version
test it only on not operational hosts, and please send me reports on problems

many bugfixes : consult Changelog file

Posted by eric gerbier 2013-01-11