
WebMacro 1.1final released

WebMacro is a 100% Java open-source servlet framework that enables programmers and designers to work together while promoting the ModelViewController pattern. WebMacro is a viable (and proven!) alternative to JavaServerPages, PHP, and ASP.

WebMacro 1.1final

This is WebMacro 1.1.

WM 1.1 includes new features such as #macro, #count, $functions(), and numerous bugfixes.

WebMacro is alive, and this production quality release is proof!

The best place for information about WebMacro is our website:

In addition, WebMacro has relocated the management aspects of the project to
SourceForge ( We hope this
will prove to give the WebMacro community continued support. We also hope
it will make our lives a bit easier!

Note that because of the move to SourceForge our mailing list address has changed.
Please visit for details.

Changes in this Release

- Fix for Tomcat and template loading from .jar files (Sebastian)

- Fix NPE's when calling methods using the 'null' keyword

- Add .tmpl as a recognized template file extension for #parse and #include

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2003-01-05

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