
WebMacro 1.1b2 Released

WebMacro 1.1b2 has been released. Here's what's new:

- more documentation concerning new features (brian, keats, lane)

- fixed bugs 69, 66, and 59 (eric)

- WMServlet.doGet() is no longer "final" (eric)

- logging API now accepts Throwable instead of Exception. (eric)
This one might require you to recompile your classes.

- the syntax for #default has changed to:
#default $x = 3

- #if now honors the exception handling rules of the active EvaluationExceptionHandler. (eric)
For example, #if($foo.noSuchMethod()) now throws exceptions when using Default and CrankyEEH
whereas previously it did not.

- fixed parser bug where a missing #end or } would not throw an exception, but would instead
consider the end of the file as the end of the block. (eric)

- releases can now be downloaded in binary and/or source form. (eric)

- find out which version of WM you have with this simple command:
java -jar webmacro.jar

- started a macros/ area to keep useful #macro's (lane)

- additional unit tests for #macros, parser bugs, and other things (lane, eric)

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2002-11-27

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