
WebMacro / News: Recent posts

WebMacro 2.1 available

WebMacro 2.1 can be downloaded from sourceforge or from

Posted by Tim P 2010-02-21

WebMacro 2.0 RC1 Available

It's been a long time coming but WebMacro 2.0 has been stable for a while now and the team have now put out an RC1 build pending final release.

Posted by Marc Palmer 2005-05-24

WebMacro 2.0b1 Released

This is WebMacro 2.0b1, the first beta release of WebMacro 2.0. Although
we beleive this release to be very stable (and many of us are using it in production
environments), there are likely bugs. Please report bugs to our subscriber-only
mailing list. Please visit for details.

WM 2.0 includes new features such as #templet, #eval, syntax-level map support
and numerous bugfixes and improved web docs.

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2004-02-15

WebMacro 1.1 Press Release

Version 1.1 of the WebMacro Open Source web-scripting engine released.

January 13, 2003 -- The WebMacro team ( today
released version 1.1 of the WebMacro templating library. A mature
product already used by many web sites and applications, this new
release of WebMacro adds powerful new features as well as improvements
and bug fixes.

WebMacro is an extensible templating engine written in Java, which
can be used in Java Servlets as well as regular Java applications.
What distinguishes WebMacro from most other web scripting technologies
such as Java Server Pages (JSP) is the focus on using pages and output
streams purely for the presentation of dynamic information, leaving
the actual data manipulation in the application where it belongs. This
MVC (Model, View, Controller) approach results in cleaner and easily
maintained applications.... read more

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2003-01-14

WebMacro 1.1final released

WebMacro is a 100% Java open-source servlet framework that enables programmers and designers to work together while promoting the ModelViewController pattern. WebMacro is a viable (and proven!) alternative to JavaServerPages, PHP, and ASP.

WebMacro 1.1final

This is WebMacro 1.1.

WM 1.1 includes new features such as #macro, #count, $functions(), and numerous bugfixes.

WebMacro is alive, and this production quality release is proof!... read more

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2003-01-05

WebMacro 1.1b3 Released

WebMacro 1.1b3

This is the third in a series of Beta releases for WebMacro 1.1. WM 1.1 includes
new features such as #macro, #count, $functions(), and various bugfixes.

WebMacro is alive, and this release is proof!

The best place for information about WebMacro is our website:

In addition, WebMacro has relocated the management aspects of the project to
SourceForge ( We hope this
will prove to give the WebMacro community continued support. We also hope
it will make our lives a bit easier!... read more

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2002-12-21

WebMacro 1.1b2 Released

WebMacro 1.1b2 has been released. Here's what's new:

- more documentation concerning new features (brian, keats, lane)

- fixed bugs 69, 66, and 59 (eric)

- WMServlet.doGet() is no longer "final" (eric)

- logging API now accepts Throwable instead of Exception. (eric)
This one might require you to recompile your classes.

- the syntax for #default has changed to:
#default $x = 3... read more

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2002-11-27

WebMacro 1.1b1 Released

WebMacro 1.1b1 has been released. This is the first in a series of beta releases to give new and existing WebMacro users a chance to use the features that have been hiding in CVS. :) Things like #macro and $functions(). WebMacro is a 100% Java open-source servlet framework that enables programmers and designers to work together while promoting the ModelViewController pattern. WebMacro is a viable (and proven!) alternative to JavaServerPages, PHP, and ASP.

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2002-11-05

Mailing Lists have moved

Effective immediately, the "old" WebMacro mailing list has been moved here, to SourceForge.

All existing subscribers have been re-subscribed.

Posted by Eric B. Ridge 2002-11-01