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Showing 9 results of 9

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
10 make command didn't make None open 2007-06-19 2015-02-24  
9 missing pages weblech-0.0.3 open Brian Pitcher 2006-06-20 2006-06-20  
8 HTMLParser misses files weblech-0.0.3 open Brian Pitcher 2005-07-13 2005-07-13  
7 spider HTTPS sites not supported weblech-0.0.3 open Brian Pitcher 2005-07-13 2005-07-13  
6 Application does not exit when multiple Threads are used weblech-0.0.3 open 2004-06-11 2004-06-11  
5 <A href=' can' be extracted None open 2003-01-16 2003-01-16  
4 No replacement of non html links weblech-0.0.3 open Brian Pitcher 2002-10-06 2002-10-06  
3 Gif files not downloaded weblech-0.0.3 open Brian Pitcher 2002-08-22 2002-08-22  
2 log4j errors on startup weblech-0.0.3 open Brian Pitcher 2002-08-22 2002-08-22  
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