
WebJob 1.3.0 Released

Version 1.3.0 is a minor release of WebJob. Generally, code was cleaned up and refined as necessary. The configure/build process has been updated, and several new configure options were added. The client-side filename format was changed from webjob.stdxxx.hhhhhhhh to Also, the logic used to seed the random number generator was modified to address an issue on NT/2K platforms. The major event for this release, however, was the addition of MD5 and SHA1 hashing support. Now, WebJob has the ability to compute a message digest of a specified file or stdin. This is useful in situations where the downloaded executable needs to compute a hash, but the target platform lacks the necessary hashing tools. Also, message digests of the std{out,err} streams are now computed and written to the stdenv stream. This will make it easier to check stream integrity on the server.

Posted by Klayton Monroe 2003-07-25

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