
Web IRC Stats / News: Recent posts

WIRCS forum Database Outage

As of this news posting, the WIRCS forums are experiencing a temporary outage. I have contacted the hosting provider in an attempt to have this resolved. I might consider moving the forums over to the SF hosting to keep everything centralized.

Work will resume shortly as soon as all the developers get on the same page. As soon as the SVN repository comes back online, I'll contact the developers and get them to grab a copy of the code.

Posted by William Barr 2006-11-14 DNS updated

Sorry for the outage of service for a while on , but the DNS servers had to be changed and it took a while for the information to propagate. The forums should be back up now, but the domain may not be propagated in some areas yet. If you have any further issues, feel free to e-mail me and I'll see if I can get the issue fixed.


Posted by William Barr 2006-08-23

Getting back on track

Well, after a long LOA, development will soon resume, at least from my (Web's) point. I hope to get the config file reader and such ready and done so everyone else can get their stuff done. Hopefully, the rest of the devs will get the hint. ;)

Perhaps we can have a working beta out by the new year. No promises, but I'm hoping to be there by then.


That's all for now!

Posted by William Barr 2006-08-16

New Forums - Moving off for forums

We're moving forums, since I really can't stand the current forums. If you are interested in joining the project, I highly encourage you to register on these boards and grab a copy of the subversion repository - Due to the overwhelming response I've gotten to the job position, I'm not sure exactly how to farm it out.

That's all for now!

Posted by William Barr 2006-06-02

First information on WIRCS

Well folks, here we go with Web IRC Stats (AKA WIRCS).

So, what is WIRCS? WIRCS is a stats parser for MIRC IRC logs (and eventually other types of logs). It will generate standard statistical information for the channel, such as the total number of lines spoken, the log file date ranges, who compiled the logs, and other such information. It will also generate user specific information, such as other commonly used nicknames, number of lines spoken by that user, a random sample quotes, and a few of the lines last spoken lines by the user. In addition, we hope to track user status on a channel, such as voiced, half-op, and operator status on a channel. ... read more

Posted by William Barr 2006-05-20