Web servlet used to handle all user specific actions.
Return type: Void
receives the post action from a jsp. Looks for a parameter in the request object called type. Depending on this value will call another method.
Expected type Values: createForm, getAllForms, updateForm, generatePDF
Expected arguments: String theFormHtml, String userId, String theFormName
Return type: Boolean
Creates a form in the database with the provided name and linked to the given user. Calls [DatabaseCalls] createForm
Expected arguments: String theUserId
Return type: Map(Integer, Form)
returns a map object of key integer form id value form of all the given users forms. Calls [DatabaseCalls] getAllForms.
Expected arguments: String theFormName, String theFormHtml, int theFormId, String theUserId
Return type: Boolean
Updates the given form with the provided data. Calls [DatabaseCalls] updateForm.
Expected arguments: OutputStream out, String userID, int formID
Return type: Void
Attempt to generate pdf. Depricated. Calls [DatabaseCalls] generatePDF.