
Setting up a remote connection to openshift mysql

How to set up remote database connection to open shift.

Down load and install Ruby 1.9.3-p551 :

Make sure to select add ruby to system path.

Verify your Ruby installation by running Ruby -v in command prompt, should match 1.9.3-p551.

In command prompt run gem install rhc.

After rhc is installed run rhc setup, you will be prompted to login. Use the openshift login credentials.

Go to the project in eclipse and start the tomcat server.

In command prompt run rhc port-forward –a weberstate.

You should now be able to access the database via the project.

If you experience an error regarding the database connection check the port that is listed in the command prompt to see if it matches the port in the connection class. If it does not change the port in the connection to match. Do not submit changes to the connection class.

Posted by Stephen Bromley 2015-03-30

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