
WeberRespiratoryTheropy / Blog: Recent posts

Setting up a remote connection to openshift mysql

How to set up remote database connection to open shift.

Down load and install Ruby 1.9.3-p551 :

Make sure to select add ruby to system path.

Verify your Ruby installation by running Ruby -v in command prompt, should match 1.9.3-p551.

In command prompt run gem install rhc.

After rhc is installed run rhc setup, you will be prompted to login. Use the openshift login credentials.... read more

Posted by Stephen Bromley 2015-03-30

Database connection Error Report

Jquery import call was missing a period between the 1s.

Posted by Stephen Bromley 2015-03-30

Tutorial for installing rhc. Port Forwarding


When you get to the "rhc setup" step, if you get an error saying something like kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'
then here's the link for the quick fix

Port Forwarding

Posted by Scott Smith 2015-03-16

Form Generator example

I found this JSFiddle form generator code that might be useful. Any thoughts?

Posted by Teresa Anderson 2015-02-01 Labels: formgenerator ui

Host has been chosen.

The host for the site has been chosen. For details check your email.

Posted by Stephen Bromley 2015-01-27