

Joachim Gabel

Web Cookbook Version

Project Admins:

Diese Seite in [Deutsch].

[Call for help]

The intention was to make a management system for my own created/modified recipes. Everyone in the internet can see and print them, but in distinction from cooking communities like Recipezaar or Chefkoch only the manager(s) of the site can add and modify recipes. To interact with users, I implemented 'my little forum' in an iframe and there is also a function to assess the recipes. To avoid programming an own user management, the userdata table of 'my little forum' is used.

Copyright (C) 2012 Joachim Gabel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

The roadmap:
1. Input and edit module for text entries like standard meals, beverages, decription of ingredients and special productions
2. Debugging of the statistic functions

Current implemented:
1. Menu driven display of recipes and text entries
2. Direct input of recipes via mask
3. Editing and deleting of recipes and text entries is only possible with direct access to the database
4. Manage recipe sections
5. Sort recipes into additional sections
6. Switchable for small screen devices like netbooks. (The term mobile refers only to the display, that is not an application which you can install on an USB Stick!)
7. Menu customized.
8. Debugging the admin scripts.
9. Statistics function protected against tampering.
10. Import of recipe files (My own format, have a look on format.txt)
11. Import of recipe files (Mealmaster)
12. Import of recipe files (Rezkonv, the German standard format)
13. Export of recipes to the formats above
14. Editing recipes
15. Export of single recipes
16. Debugging of several errors
17. Usage of the userdata table of 'my little forum' to identify users
18. Comment function for recipes
19. Admin functions are now secured via user management
20. Debugging of several errors in admin functions.
21. Rating of recipes
22. Deleting recipes
23. Help system with showtext.php

Apache Webserver 2.2.x or newer
MySQL 5.x or newer
MySQLClient 5.x or newer
PHP 5.x or newer

phpMyAdmin 3.4.x or newer
my little forum ( (If you don't want to use it, no user management will be used in the future.)
shadowbox-js media viewer ( ... Free for single and non-commercial use. I'm still on the search for an open source alternative.) (If you don't want to use it, only single images instead of slideshows in recipes and text entries are allowed; the display of images refers to a new page instead of showing it in the shadowbox.)

Extract the archive to a directory. On your local machine copy the whole directory structure as a subdirectory to your web server's htdocs directory. For your internet presence use a ftp program to do the same. If you want to use 'my little forum' (, install it into the /forum directory. If you want to use the shadowbox-js media viewer (, install it in the /shadowbox subdirectory. In MySQL create a database. Run the install/en_tables.sql or de_tables.sql. If you speak any other language than English or German, translate the entries below INSERT INTO dat_category to your needs. Edit the env_db.php and replace the database access entries to your needs. Edit and/or uncomment your language in the language.php. Now you can call the application in your web browser with 'http://yourdomain.tld/yourdirectory/'. To insert single recipes, call 'http://yourdomain.tld/yourdirectory/admin/' and choose 'Create recipes' (or whatever in your own language).

Securing your /admin subdirectory with a .htpass/.htaccess combination is not longer necessary!

But the safest option is still this way:
Install the application completely locally on your computer (with web server environment, XAMPP [] on Windows, Linux users know themselves better ways.). Then install the application on the web space of your ISP and immediately delete the /admin subdirectory. Run the data maintenance on your local machine and then move the table contents to the database at your provider via phpMyAdmin. For better understanding where and what data is stored in, check the datamodel.jpg or datamodel.svg. To avoid overwriting statistics of the recipes, the content of the table sys_zaehler should only be maintained on the database of your provider (This is why the data is outsourced from das_rezept, the relational data model otherwise should fit in the table).

To implement the help system, create entries in the dat_category table above id 10,000 and below id 11,000, then create entries with the same id in the dat_texte table. You'll see the entries by clicking the Help menu. You can find German texts in install/de_help.sql. Translate them for your needs or write your own texts.

Copy env_db.php and language.php to a save directory. Extract the archive to a directory. Copy the content of the top directory over your current installation. Copy your saved env_db.php and language.php back over the new versions.


Wiki: Call for help
Wiki: Deutsch