
WebCollab / News: Recent posts

Praise for WebCollab security fix

WebCollab has always tried to avoid security issues by careful design. So, getting the recent security disclosure warning was not what we wanted.

However the next comment was even more unexpected, but much better to hear:

"A quick shout-out to the WebCollab team for a transparent and quick turnaround on security fixes for vulnerabilities I reported through Secunia.
They were prompt, communicative, and thorough in their review, claiming that "this is the first publicly notified issue with WebCollab in more than six years of releases."
I truly appreciate teams who openly address their methodology, the change log, and the core issues.
Well done and thank you, WebCollab. Yours is a model I wish others would adopt.
Cheers."... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2009-05-22

Greek, Czech and Turkish translations added to CVS

Greek, Czech and Turkish translations have been added to the Sourceforge CVS.

These translations are compatible with the WebCollab 1.80 (Allendale) release, and also will be released with the next formal release of WebCollab.

To add these languages to an existing WebCollab setup, check out the language files directory from the Sourceforge CVS. Then change the config file to match the lanugage of your choice.... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2005-09-22

WebCollab Update

Just a bit of a project update for WebCollab.

Versions 1.70 (Angelus) and later 1.71 (Karekare) have been released.
Version 1.71 had a few minor bugs that sometimes made projects in
usergroups 'disappear' in some screens. Not good; version 1.71a
corrects this issue. Judging by the feedback - and lack of bug
reports - the version 1.71a is proving to be stable and robust.

The Unicode versions are getting only a trickle of downloads. Getting
Unicode to work with PHP scripting has been a challenge. As far as I
can tell, not many PHP applications are working well with Unicode yet.
After several versions, WebCollab's Unicode support has now matured
and is working very well.... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2005-07-10

WebCollab featured in Linux Journal

Linux Journal is a publication well known and highly respected within the Linux community.

The March 2005 issue, available now, features an in-depth review and description of WebCollab. And a very complementary review it is too.

If you have a Linux Journal subscription, you can read the article on-line:

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2005-02-04

French and Spanish Translations - Help Needed

The French and Spanish translations are out of date and need updating.

The previous translators have not replied to emails, and are presumably not able, or willing to update the files. The French translation needs a few phrases updating, while the Spanish translation has not been maintained for a while.

The Catalan translation has also been unmaintained for some time, if anyone is keen.

Please contact the Project Manager for guidance, or download the files from the CVS.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2005-02-04

WebCollab Unicode 1.62 Released!

We are pleased to announce the release of the WebCollab Unicode 1.62 package, intended to partner the standard WebCollab 1.62a (Canopus) package.

The default WebCollab package uses the ISO-8859-x character set like most other web-based software. This works well for Western European originated languages, but has two major

- Each ISO-8859-x character set only works for a narrow set of languages. For instance, German and Bulgarian use ISO-8859-1 and IS0-8859-5 respectively, and cannot be mixed.... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2004-12-12

WebCollab 1.62a (Canopus) released!

A belated announcement on the release of WebCollab 1.62a (Canopus).

The first (1.62) release had a coding bug; users could not change their passwords, and admin were also unable to change existing passwords. This has been fixed in the new release.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2004-11-19

WebCollab 1.61 (Celmisia) Released!

After a short gestation, I am pleased to announce the release of WebCollab 1.61 - Celmisia. Named after a small mountain daisy, this release should bring a ray of sunshine!

Various minor bugs in the 1.60 release have been fixed, including a bug that prevented PostgreSQL databases being created properly. The code now produces valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, and should render in standards mode in all contemporary browsers.... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2004-08-06

Bulgarian Translation for Webcollab

WebCollab now has a Bulgarian translation thanks to Stoyan Dimitrov. The translation is in CVS and is compatible with version 1.59 (and later).

A Danish translation will also be added to the CVS shortly. Thanks to Jens Thomsen.

The German translation has also been updated for the upcoming version 1.60, and we should have updates for Spanish and Catalan in a few weeks.

The released development version 1.59 has proven to be relatively stable. Present development is aimed at giving WebCollab better XHTML and Unicode compliance. A full 1.60 version will follow when the translations are current.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2004-06-10

WebCollab on PHP5

Thanks to the good folks at, I have been testing WebCollab on PHP5. All seems to work well.

Large commits have been made to the CVS over recent weeks. I am now in a 'feature freeze' to get a stable version 1.60 that can be released.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2004-04-17

WebCollab Ver 1.51 (Hebe) Released!

A collaborative web-based system for projects and project management; WebCollab is easy to use, and encourages users to work together. The software is functionally elegant and secure without being cumbersome for users, or graphically intensive.

The software is ideally suited to tracking multiple projects and innumerable small tasks across an organisation of any size. If you have reminder notes stuck all over your desk, then you need WebCollab!... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2004-01-06

Italian Translation in CVS

Italian translation in CVS, and will be available in the next release. Thanks to Raffaele Franzese for the translation.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-12-08

WebCollab 1.50 Released

This is the small change, big change release of WebCollab. Lots of small changes throughout the code; but regular users will not notice much outward difference.

While the web interface remains outwardly the same, the code now makes extensive use of cascading style sheets (CSS) for stylistic control. HTML is now valid HTML 4.01 and mostly XHTML 1.0 compliant. Following comments from the translators, the internationalisation language strings have been totally overhauled. Catalan and German translations have been added, and the French translation updated.... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-11-14

Development Release

A collaborative website for projects and project management; WebCollab is easy to use, and encourages users to work together. The software aims to be functionally elegant and secure without being cumbersome or graphically intensive.
WebCollab uses a MySQL/PostgreSQL database backend coupled with PHP scripting and the Apache webserver.
We have released a development version of WebCollab some weeks ago, and intended to follow it up with a full release soon after. The development release has proven to be generally stable, but in the intervening period we have found a number of other internationalisation issues that are taking time to resolve.... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-11-01

German Translation in CVS

We have a German translation is CVS (thanks Michael Bunk).

The existing French translation is slightly out of date - some more phrases and words have been added. If you'd like to update the translation please contact the Project Manager.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-10-15

Catalan Translation Available

A Catalan translation has been added to the CVS. Thanks to Daniel Hernandez for the translation.

To use Catalan with the current version 1.42, get all the files in the /lang directory and use them to replace you existing files. Change the config file to 'ca' locale.

We are presently cleaning up and extending the existing language files for the next release. If you would like to add a translation in your language, please contact the author.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-10-02

WebCollab Ver 1.41 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.41.

This version is mainly a maintenance release. A French translation has been added, and cookies (optional) are now used with sessions to allow tabbed browsing.

WebCollab is now fully internationalised; if you want to do a translation, please contact the developer for info - or look at the code and see how it works.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-08-02

New WebCollab Release is Pending

A new release for WebCollab is in the CVS. Pending testing for a few days, to iron out any lingering bugs, a release will be made.

WebCollab is web-based collaborative project management software. From small beginings, it has been reliably used to drive our telecommunications cellsite rollout for almost two years now.

The new version introduces a French translation, and allows the use of persistent sessions with cookies (to make tabbed browsing possible). Behind the scenes there has been a thorough code auditing and fine tuning. This should (marginally) increase speed and browser compatibility.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-07-28

WebCollab Ver 1.40 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of WebCollab version 1.40. This release includes user feedback and comments, and of course the obligatory bugfixes.

The most notable change is the option to allow anyone in a usergroup to edit a project/task
belonging to that usergroup. This is optional, and can be selected by the owner when creating the
project or task. This should make it easier for workgroups to 'own' tasks and projects.... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-06-15

Mailing Lists Available

We have set up two mailing lists:

WebCollab Announce generally for an announcements only.

WebCollab Users for other mail traffic related to WebCollab

We look forward to meeting a few users.

Please note that the Sourceforge project statistics are currently broken across the entire site - and have been since 19 May. The WebCollab project is much more active than the statistics indicate.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-06-12

Spanish Translation files

Spanish language translation files are now available for WebCollab. See the Open Discussion item for details on downloading and installing the files.

Thanks to Daniel Lujan (lujan99) for providing the translation.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-05-13

WebCollab 1.31 Released

We are pleased to release WebCollab version 1.31.

This is essentially a bugfix version, with a few small enhancements thrown in for good measure. Most of the bugs fixed are small, and most users (hopefully) won't have been concerned by them. For the full details, see the changelog.

We've also updated the web page giving some detailed step by step instructions to installing WebCollab with the MySQL database.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-04-22

WebCollab Release 1.30

Release of version 1.30. This is the first version released outside our own project group.

WebCollab as the name implies, is a collaborative website for project workgroups. It aims to be easy and intuitive to use without being complicated or graphically intensive. We have been running various development and stable versions of WebCollab for the past year on our telecommunications cellsite rollout. ... read more

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-04-04

Beta Release

We have made an initial beta release. This has been tested and should be stable.

Expect a full release in the next few days.

Posted by Andrew Simpson 2003-03-31