
WebCards / News: Recent posts

WebCards Documentation Available

We have released a comprehensive manual on using the WebCards administration centre. It addresses each section of the administration centre as a seperate topic, explaining how each section works and how to overcome problems you may experience when using it. It feaures screenshots to guide you through each step too.

You can find it by clicking "Help & Docs" at the top of any page of the WebCards website or by visiting the URL read more

Posted by Chris Charlton 2006-09-11

Calendar fix for WebCards version 1.1

Many users have reported problems with using the calendar when allowing users to send WebCards at a future date. I have fixed this bug by updating the calendar file.

I have fixed the calendar.php file in the /tools/ folder. Download the patch from the tracker ( or re-download the main webcards archive to obtain the updated file.... read more

Posted by Chris Charlton 2006-08-28

Release: WebCards Language Packs - SPanish and Dutch

We are please to announce the release of language packs for WebCards 1.1. Currently Spanish and Dutch are available for download.
Visit the download page to get your copy.

Instructions for intalling the languages are on the download page.

We are also looking for people to translate WebCards to other languages. If you would be willing to help out please let me know,

Posted by Chris Charlton 2006-07-21

Release: WebCards Version 1.1

I am please to announce the release of WebCards version 1.1.

Many new and long-awaited features are now available in version 1.1. A brief summary of new features includes:
* Full PHP5 compatability
* Delayed sending on WebCards - compose a WebCard now and have it sent on the appropriate date
* New admin centre style
* Integration of pickup.php with index.php

If you are upgrading from any previous versions an upgrade script is required and is included in the download package. Please read the upgrade instructions before attempting to upgrade.... read more

Posted by Chris Charlton 2006-07-11

New WebCards Gallery looking for submissions

As was suggested to me in the forum I have decided to create a gallery of examples of WebCards.

I am particularly looking for examples with modified templates, languages and stylesheets but will be happy to post any examples of WebCards in action.

To submit your WebCards installation either email me or post a reply to this news article.
I look forward to seeing some examples of your work.

Posted by Chris Charlton 2006-04-15

New WebCards Website

We are pleased to officially unveil the new WebCards Website complete with new domain name ""

After many happy years of hosting our website on the sourceforge servers we have decided to move to allow us more flexibility and advanced features and also to allow us to host a more reliable WebCards demonstration. We are very grateful to sourceforge for the services they provide and continue to use the tracker, forums, mailing list and file hosting services they offer.... read more

Posted by Chris Charlton 2005-12-05

Updated release of WebCards version 1.0

A bug has been found which causes the program to die with a MySQL error when attempting to send an email notification.

The cause has been identified and fixed. The problem was in the file /lang/English/email.php.

To update your file simply re-download the webcards zip file and upload this file to your server.

Posted by Chris Charlton 2005-11-11

WebCards Version 1.0 Final Released

We are pleased to announce that after more than two years of development the first stable version of WebCards has been released.
WebCards is a powerful e-card program that will keep visitors returning to your website over and over again.

This release marks two years of work by both the developers and the users. The invaluable feedback that has been provided has helped to make WebCards a better program and we are pleased to present this "gold" release for your use.... read more

Posted by Chris Charlton 2005-11-09

WebCards release: Version 1 beta 4

We are pleased to announce the release of beta 4 of our PHP-powered e-card script.

This release was originally earmarked as a release candidate, however we chose to release it as a beta due to the number of new features added.
Such new features include automatic thumbnail generation, cookie security in the administration centre and an SQL manager.

Beta 4 is available from the usual download area.

Since this is a new release, most of the bug reports have been closed but please report any new bugs you find in this version to the bug tracker.

Posted by Chris Charlton 2005-09-02

WebCards Development Update

It has now been over a year since I last posted an update for the WebCards project. During this time development has stopped and no further releases have been made.

I am sure some people thought that development had stopped forever, but this is no longer the case.

I have recently graduated from university and now have the free time in order to continue developing WebCards. I am pushing on for a version 1 final release as soon as possible. I also hope for another beta release in the next month or so.... read more

Posted by Chris Charlton 2005-07-19

Updated release of WebCards version 1.0 beta 3

There was an error in the last WebCards beta release (beta 3). The error was in the installation file and did not affect users upgrading.

The file has been updated in the beta 3 package.

The problem affects any beta 3 version downloaded before 20 June 2004.

Posted by Chris Charlton 2004-06-20

Release of WebCards version 1.0 beta 3

The WebCards development team is pleased to announce the release of WebCards version 1.0 beta 3.

This release addresses several bugs and introduces some much requested features. It is planned as the last beta release, with the next release planned to be a release candidate (RC).

You can obtain your copy from the download section and be sure to report all bugs you find to our bug tracker.
Do not hesitate to post a support request if you have any trouble.

Posted by Chris Charlton 2004-06-12

Fix for "admin login loop"

After a few weeks of work and the help of a kind WebCards user, the problem known as "admin login loop" has been fixed.

The problem is in the MySQl driver file and you can find the fix at

Now that this last problem is fixed, the beta 3 release is imminent and will also include the fix.

Posted by Chris Charlton 2004-06-08

Development still continuing

Despite evidence to the contrary, work on WebCards has continued after a long break.

We are always looking for ideas and ways to improve the software and you can submit them at

Hopefully a final beta can be released in the coming week. The plan is to then release a release candidate, but this will depend on the number of users willing to download and test the software.... read more

Posted by Chris Charlton 2004-03-19

Release of beta 1.0

I have made the very first beta release of WebCards available to download.

I would appreciate it if you could download and evaluate it. We need testers to improve the product.

Posted by Chris Charlton 2003-08-12

Stock photos to be distributed

I recieved notification today that will allow me to distribute 100 stock photos with the WebCards system.
This will most likely be a seperate download as it will be very large.
Thanks to

Posted by Chris Charlton 2003-07-17