
Tree [r30] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 ezcam 2008-04-10 jtnimoy [r30] hi universal
 mac_max_proj 2006-05-07 jtnimoy [r1]
 mac_xtra_proj 2008-04-10 jtnimoy [r30] hi universal
 settings_app 2006-05-07 jtnimoy [r1]
 source 2008-04-10 jtnimoy [r30] hi universal
 win_jni_proj 2007-04-10 jtnimoy [r26] after simon biggs project and beginning alder h...
 win_xtra_proj 2007-04-10 jtnimoy [r26] after simon biggs project and beginning alder h...
 ChangeLog 2007-05-24 jtnimoy [r29] 2007-05-24 U-JTMACBOOKWINXP\jtnimoy <jtnimoy@...
 Makefile 2007-05-24 jtnimoy [r29] 2007-05-24 U-JTMACBOOKWINXP\jtnimoy <jtnimoy@...
 README 2007-04-10 jtnimoy [r27] added top level makefile
 helloworld.cpp 2007-04-10 jtnimoy [r27] added top level makefile

Read Me

    __  ___                     
   /  |/  /_  ___________  ____ 
  / /|_/ / / / / ___/ __ \/ __ \
 / /  / / /_/ / /  / /_/ / / / /
/_/  /_/\__, /_/   \____/_/ /_/ 

  computer vision for artists.

This guides the developer through the process of the entire build. It
doesn't deal with constructing a proper release distro (yet)

  metrowerks code warrior to build the director xtra.
  /usr/local/PortVideoSDL-0.3 - get it from:
  xdk (macromedia Xtra API)
	build ezcam by doing `make` in the directory
	build source dir for jni by doing `make` in the directory
        build Xtra by opening up the project in mac_xtra_proj and hitting "build"

  visual studio
  xdk (macromedia Xtra API)
  /usr/local/PortVideoSDL-0.3 - get it from:
	build ezcam by doing a `make` in that directory.
	build win_jni_proj by opening sln in VS and compiling.
	build win_xtra_proj same way you built win_jni_proj

	make sure the version is properly incremented.
	compile the Xtra on PC and Mac, and substitute into the proper places - using pre-existing distro as a reference.
	compile java (Mac will make the Jar) You need to update the DLL and the jnilib for mac and PC. substitute into a pre-existing distro zip.
	ZIP THEM ON A PC to avoid .DS_Store files.
	zip up the mac Xtra because it has a resource fork in it.
	upload to
	fill out the CHANGES.txt
	submit to the SVN
	do a release on sourceforge
	change website's download links
	do a news release if it's that important.
	if it's even more important, email the webcamxtra-development email listserv.